I wake up to my alarm early Thursday morning before I realize what's happening today. Today is pax! I jump out of my bed and run to each of the girls rooms banging on their doors "it's pax today!" I scream and I run down the stairs. I basically dance into the kitchen and blast some catchy music starting to make breakfast. "What the heck grace it's 7:30 in the morning why so loud" Kim groans and I laugh at her. "Because today is pax!" I say excitedly. "Yah I know!" She says now jumping up and down with me excitedly. Clair and kaylee slump down the stairs and I pout. "You guys don't even look excited" "why would we be excited" kaylee asks tiredly. "I mean I don't know we are just going to pax today" I say nonchalantly to them and their faces lighten up. I laugh at them. "It is today!" Kaylee squeals. "Hey Will should be here soon" Kaylee says as we all start eating. "I like the music" I hear Will say "hey Will!" Kaylee says getting out of her seat and hugging him. I pick up all of our plates and put them in the sink. "Shall we head out!" I say excitedly. "Yah who's driving?" Will asks and I smile. "I'll drive we can go in my car" I grin "really? Yay!" Clair and Kaylee both say. "What's so exciting about he car?" Kim asks laughing. "You will see" I say walking out to my car. I click the keys so the car opens. "Woah cool Lamborghini" Will says and I smile. My car is like my baby. It's a slick black Lamborghini took me 2 years of my YouTube money save up to get it but it was totally worth it. I hop in the drivers seat and Clair, Will, and Kaylee sit in the back. Kim stays up front with me. I start the car up and pull out of our street. "Ok so it should only take us about 15 minutes to get there" I say turning on the radio. I look through my rear view mirror with only 5 minutes until we would be there and I see Clair on her phone with Will and Kaylee basically cuddling in the back. I pull into the convention center and turn off the radio. I park and we all hop out of the car. "We are finally here!" I say excitedly. "I know!" Clair says walking up to me. We walk towards the convention in a little group. "Ok so the panel is in like 10 minutes so I was thinking you guys can join us at it and grace you can surprise jordan there" Will says smiling. "Sounds good" I say grinning. Kim pushed Kaylee so she is closer to Will and Kim laughs. "Otp!" She says. Me and Clair laugh and Will does too Kaylee glaring t Kim. "Haha good one Kim" I say. We walk into the huge convention center. Will talks to a guy and he leads us to the panel room "hey I gotta go to the bathroom real quick" I lie. If I tell them they will all look to where I'm gonna be "Ok" Kim says and I wait for them to go in. When the door opens I peak a look inside and see there is a door right next to the panel. Perfect. I go around the big room and go down almost like an alleyway. I go down until I see the door. I open the door as quietly as I can and see Jordan is sitting in a seat talking to some other members. I walk behind him and put my finger up to my lips for them not to say I'm here. I put my hands around Jordan's eyes. "Guess who" I say grinning "grace!" He says and I let my hands fall. He stands up and we hug briefly before all the cube members look at us questioningly I see that there are fans all staring at us to. Can't tell them yet. "I'm an old high school friend" I lie and jordan looks at me questioningly then everything seems to click for him and he nods. "Yah" he says to them. They all looked at him confused but he just shrugs. I look over to kaylee and Will to Kim and then to Clair and Brayden. I smiled at them. I'm happy for them. I look to the fans and smile as they are all talking and just being silly. I wish they could know that I am here. But. I also don't want them to know. "Oh so are you guys starting soon?" I ask. "Actually yah we are. We should all probably sit down" Parker says as he gets all of the members to sit down. "Okay see you after" I say to Jordan and get off the stage. I walk over to the other 3 girls and they are all laughing and talking. I smile at them as I sit down and they all stare at me expecting me to say something. "What?" I ask confused. "You and Jordan!" Kim scream whispers. I blush hardcore and look at them with a grin. "What about me and Jordan" I say innocently. "You guys are so cute!" Kaylee scream whispers too. "We aren't anything" I say looking to my hands. "Don't say that. You should have seen him checking you out. He likes you!" Clair pitches in and I look over to Jordan. I smile as j see him messing around with Brayden and Will. They seemed to be talking about something and then they all of a sudden all stared at me and I quickly looked away. "Oh my god you totally just blushed because he looked at you" Kim said nudging my arm. "Shut up!" I hiss at her jokingly. "Okay can I have everyone's attention please" the whole room went quiet as mark continued. "We will be starting with questions from the crowd with us today and then go on." He said and sat back down. A few people came from the crowd and up to a mic. "I was wondering if anyone was dating" a girl asked. Brayden and Will looked over to us. But what I didn't expect was Jordan looked at me. "Yah I am" Will said smiling at kaylee and then Brayden said he was too. "I'm not dating but I have someone in mind" Jordan says staring into my eyes. As if he was talking to me. I felt my face turn red and then everyone started laughing. Thank god. Not an awkward moment. The next person came up and started talking. I got distracted and looked at Jordan. His hair whisped to the side and gliding across his face. Freakin perfect. I look to his white shirt and could see his six pack under its tight hold. I look back up to his face and he had a small smile on it. I looked back up to his eyes and see them trained on me. Also staring. I blushed that he had seen me checking him out and looked away also smiling. What is this weird almost connection I feel with him. Oh god. I'm fucking in love. Shit. I zone out the rest of the panel until the fans start leaving and I realize it's over. Kaylee and Clair get up going over to there boyfriends. I go over to all the members with Kim. She looks like she is gonna fan girl all over them. We walk over and she looks like she is about to faint. I laugh at her. "Come on Kim don't fan girl all over them" I say pushing her a little. "Sorry it's just..." She laughs not being able to finish her sentence. "Sorry about that" I say looking to all of them and they all just laugh. "So you used to know Jordan?" Mark asks and I look to Jordan briefly. "Act-" I cut him off by grabbing his arm "yah we used to hang out sometimes and then I moved" I smile and they nod all looking to his arm where my hand is. I remove it and look up to Jordan and he looked almost red. I wanted to laugh at him so bad but instead I grinned up to him knowingly and he scratched the back of his neck and messed with his hair. "Soo... Your a fan?" He asks looking to Kim. She was literally just staring at all of them and I actually facepalmed and her. She looked over to me and I almost laughed my head off. She wiggled her eyebrows and I nudged her. "You are the worst" I say and then look to the rest of them. "Yah we have been fans since season one. And Kim here is one of my best friends. Along with kaylee and Clair we met through the fandom" I say and they look to all of us. "That's awesome" mark says. "Oh Kim we didn't even get to check out everything else we should go look around!" I say about to pull her with me and grab the other girls so it wouldn't be awkward. "Oh can we join you none of us have looked around either" oh shit. Perfect. I'm stuck with them. "Yah sure!" Kim says and I drag her out with everyone else behind us. "Are you crazy!" I hiss at her in a whisper. "No! This is a once in a lifetime experience!" She whispers back to me. I scoff. "Uhg your right" I say and she nods triumphantly. She is right. But I'm still pissed. I can't even tell them either. Not yet. Jordan came running to catch up to us "Hey... Me and the other guys were wondering if you and the other girls wanted to come over to cube house after we checked everything.." He said nervously putting his hands in his front pockets. "Oh of course! Are you kidding!" Kim said but I stopped her. "Woah woah first off yes we will go but Kim you can not fan girl all over them. And I will tell them once we are there about you know. I can't do it here." I say looking to Jordan. He nods and then laughs. "Yah don't fan girl over us Kim." He says nudging her and she laughs. "I'm sorry I'm just not used to being around like the people that I watch every day" she says shrugging and then skipping forward dragging me with her. "Kim!" I squeal giggling. She brings me to the escalator and we waited for the rest of them to catch up. "Awwww that was adorable! He is so nervous around you! He likes youuuu!" She squeals and I smack her arm. "No he doesn't" I say casually. "Oh my god. You like him too don't you!" She says and I blush. "Maybe.." I laugh and she squeals "I can't believe you! You are going to be so cute together!" She squeals but then I see the rest of them round the corner and are now in are view so I nudge her to shut her mouth before I slap her in the face. Lols. "You skip fast" Brayden laughs. "Yah well I needed to have a girl drama talk with grace" Kim say smiling. "Kim!" I hiss at her embarrassed "what I'm innocent" she says putting her hands up. "You are anything but innocent" I say laughing. "Oh let's go!" I say automatically grabbing Jordan's hand without even thinking and I mentally face palm but then just decide screw it. I don't care what they think. I move us onto an escalator and run down to impatient to wait. "Wow this is amazing" I say looking around at the hundreds of people and all of the different things set up. All the others catch up to us and they look at me and Jordan's interlocked hands and I go to pull away but he pulls me in closer and wraps his arm around my waist. Ok then. "Yah this is great" he says. "Oh they have subway!" Straub points out and me and the 3 girls laugh. "What's so funny?" Parker asks. "Straubway!" We all say in unison and laugh. "Season 2 straub built a straubway an in season 3 and 4" I say and they all nod. "So you guys are like hardcore fans" Mark laughs and we all nod making them laugh even more. "Come on let's go over near the twitch booth" Clair says basically dragging Brayden. Poor guy. "I'm going to straubway!" Straub laughs and we all nod and Parker followed him. "Let's go through the biomes" I say and the rest of them nod and we go over to where they have the "biomes" and we start walking through the maze of them. I pull away from Jordan and pull kaylee up to me. "You know like 2 years ago when I said we would go to pax together" I said interlocking our arms. "You promised me you would skip through a biome with me" I say grinning. "Really? You remember that?" She aka and I nod "now let's go!" I say and we start skipping. We giggled and yelped as we skipped across until there was a turn and we stopped. We laughed as we waited for the guys to catch up. "You were skipping?" Will asks chuckling. "She promised" I beamed. "Yah 2 years ago!" She laughed. "A promise is a promise!" I laughed back. "I'm with grace on this one. A promise is a promise" Will chuckled. "See even your boyfriend agrees" I laugh and she nods walking back over to him. "You are too much" Jordan chuckles coming up to me. "We should get food!" Mark yells and everyone agrees. "We can meet up with Parker and straub there!" Hbomb says. We start walking and Jordan seems to be getting closer and closer to me. And I'm enjoying it. What has gotten into me! "Hey guys!" Parker waves over to us. "They have starbucks let's go!" I say grabbing Kaylee and Kim. We skip over to Starbucks and grab some drinks. We head back over to the guys and I laugh when I see them all just messing around. They are such goofs. "Hey" I say ruffling Jordan's hair. "Heyo" Mark says and I sit down next to them. "So I will be seeing you at the house? I heard you wanted to tell us something" I look at Jordan with a death glare before smiling back at Mark realizing that all of the others were listening too and that Clair and Brayden were back. "Yah at the house" I say and they all nod. Good. No questions. I will just have to tell them. Whatever. A couple of them leave and come back with food. Parker is eating fries and I grab one popping it in my mouth. "Hey" he wines and I almost spit up my drink. "That was adorable" I laugh. He looks at me pouting. "I can't have one fry gosh. I thought we were all friends here but whatever" I say looking away fake being sad. I can't help but laugh though and then Parker and Hbomb laugh too. "You are great" Parker laughs. "Oh Clair do you remember the first pax east we were friends" she nods. "Kaylee Kim" I say "tybzi?" I knock on the table five times and they start to get where I'm going. "Do you want to do a collab!" All 4 of us yell and we start laughing. I look around to see people staring at us but I don't care. "Oh I remember that!" Tybzi says and we laugh. The cube members seem to remember and start singing random parts of it too and it was really fun. Once we were all done eating as in Graser finished his pizza. We started walking out of the convention center and all of the guys just kept singing random songs and laughing. "We need an uber!" Graser yells. "Hey why don't me and Jordan go in my car and all of you can go in the uber with the rest of the guys" I say and the girls nod. "Let's go" I say moving over to the parking lot. I grab the keys out of my pocket and click them. I hear the car beep. "Wait no way" Jordan says and I smile. "Yes yes way" I say hopping into the drivers seat. He sits in the seat next to me and just stares at the interior. I laugh "do you like it" he just nods. "So what's the address you can put it in the gps" I say starting the car. "Oh yah" he says moving closer to the gps. By the time I was pulling out of the convention center he had it in the gps and it was only about 10 minutes away. I need o talk to him. "So you said you have a girl in mind that you like" I said tapping my finger. "Yah..." He said nervously. "Is that the same girl you were talking about on Twitter?" I ask "yah..she's also in this car right now" he said smiling I grin. "Yah I have someone in mind too" I say and he nods looking disappointed. "He's also in this car" I see him almost jump out of his seat and I want to laugh so hard but I hold it in. "Well that's good" he says holding my free hand. I smile. "Yah yah it is" are we dating now? I'm so confused! I think we are?! Is all I can think as we pull up to the house.

Lost internet souls (ungoing)
FanfictionKim, Kaylee, Clair and Grace are 4 internet friends that move in together. This is a Cube SMP fan fic. The POV is the person which each chapter is named after. THIS IS AN UNGOING BOOK