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She couldn't sleep because she having flashbacks. For years She tried hard to keep them buried under her mind but now they were dug up. She got up from the pain in her heart. "You should take some more rest," Jihoon told her while handing her a cup of water. "Thank you," she told him before drinking the water. "We have a mission today so you can relax now," Jihoon told her. "Oh and if you are hungry there's food on the table," Jihoon told her. She nodded and went back to sleep. "Jihoon get ready," Ji Chang-wook told him. "Looks like you have a crush on her" Ji Chang-wook told him.  "Fuck off," Jihoon told him and went to get ready. They all together round. "Today we have a mission to kill Mister Choi and let's do this according to the plan, don't get hurt," Wi Ha Joon told everyone. They got into 2 groups and headed out. They arrive at the location. Jihoon stayed at the van to give everyone direction and surroundings while Wi Ha Joon and Ji Chang-Wook with others walk to the entrance. With calculated precision, they arrived at the towering edifice housing the target's company. The flickering streetlights cast eerie shadows on the otherwise empty streets, adding an ominous tone to their
clandestine operation.

As they approached the entrance, tension hung thick in the air. Wi Ha Joon  signaled for the others to stay alert as they stealthily made their way into the building, expecting to find Mister Choi. However, upon entering the premises, they were met with an eerie sight-the office space, usually bustling with activity, was deserted. Desks stood empty, papers scattered, and the only sound was the faint hum of the building's air conditioning.
Confusion rippled through them as they searched the premises, each room yielding no sign of their intended target.
It was as though the entire place had been evacuated in anticipation of their arrival. "Hyun!! we are in a trap hurry up and get out of there, they are planning to enter our Bess." Jihoon talks through the earpiece. They ran out to their vans.

Jayoung was asleep but woke up to sound out of her room. Now she remembers that she was the only one in the house. She slowly got up and slowly opened the door. She quietly went down the stairs. Her eyes widened as she glimpsed, shadowy figures moved with sinister intent. They saw her and hesitated for a moment, sizing her up. In that fleeting moment, Jayoung seized the opportunity, her swift reflexes catching the nearest assailant off balance. With a well-aimed strike, she incapacitated the intruder, causing a brief commotion that sent the others into disarray.
A tense standoff ensued as the girl faced the remaining assailants, her determination matching their aggression. With calculated
movements, she evaded their advances, using the environment to her advantage in the confined space of the living room,

A tense standoff ensued as Jayoung faced the remaining assailants, her determination matching their aggression. With calculated
movements, she evaded their advances, using the environment to her advantage in the confined space of the corridor.
Despite their numbers, the assailants found themselves outmaneuvered by the Jayoung's quick thinking and resourcefulness. One by one, they fell victim to her strategic strikes, the tide of the fight shifting in her favor.
As the last intruder faltered, Jayoung stood tall, her chest heaving with exertion but her resolve unbroken. With a final decisive move, she subdued the assailant, leaving them sprawled on the floor, defeated. She heard the open. She turns round to see Wi Ha Joon, Jihoon, and Ji Chang-Wook pointing guns at her. They were amazed that Jayoung had taken everyone down. "Are you okay?" Ji Hoon asks her while coming to her. "Yeah," she replied. "Danm you look everyone down," Ji Chang-Wook told her while looking around. "I know right, We should make her part of our gang," Jihoon told them with an existing face. Wi Ha Joon didn't say anything and went out of the house. Ji Chang-Wook followed him.

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