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"what are you doing here Jisoo? you should've resting"
Days before the trip on Jeju, Jisoo secretly went on Hoseok's place . Ofcourse Hoseok wasn't expecting her visit , luckily Tae was sleeping the moment she came in.
"All I'm doing is just rest,  Hobi Oppa"
"Oh God! Come in!" Shaking his head before letting her in
"Where's My Taetae, ? Can I see him?"
She's looking around the house while Hoseok following her
"He's upstairs, in his room, sleeping"

"I want to see him first, before anything else"
"Okay, why not? Just go up and I will prepare you something to eat, fruits and milk?"

"Anything will do" she smiled before going up.. while Hoseok went to the kitchen.

"How was it?"
Hoseok seen her going downstairs,
"I wish I could stay here with him..
Stay longer with him"
Hoseok abruptly stops from sipping his coffee, he heard that obvious sadness in her voice.

"You know you can just simply leave them alone and stay with your son with rest of your days Ji, besides that's what you should've done in the first place "
There's emphasizing in those last words Hoseok said..
Jisoo felt that. Slowly she's sitting down silently before looking at Hoseok, she knows how straight forward the guy is.. but she had to take this chance or there will be no other one for her anymore.
" Day by day, I slowly getting weak.. I'm almost halfway there.."
"And there you are wasting those prescious times!" Hoseok rolling his eyes then back on sipping his coffee .
Jisoo stayed silently so Hoseok gaze turned at her, most of the time, he just really wanted to slap himself from being candid, but he couldn't help it, it's his mouth actually -
Not him! And that's how he reason out..

"This is why, I don't want talking to you..
This is what you can get"
"It's okay Hobi Oppa, at least someone is balancing with my Jin-Oppa spoiling this brat"
She smiled weakly -
But that Smile alone could break anyone's heart at the moment.. specially Hoseok's, whose been there with her and Seokjin in that 6years of fighting, from her pregnancy.. heartbreaks, sorrow, their sacrifices just to give way for each other's happiness-

No.. it's more like only Seokjin was giving way of her everytime!.

Only Hoseok and Namjoon knows how the siblings fight and stand for each other..

Again.. A big No! make it how Seokjin fights and stand for her brat sister!

And that's the same reason he admired Jin more than anyone, the way he always prioritized his sister more than his feelings.. but that made everything worst..

Yeah! that made the brat worst..

that made him hate her,

Of course! I hate the brat!

like he would brag it with her any chance he gets, until Jisoo was used to him nagging her.

Before, Jisoo was the most cheerful, carefree, most unworried girl he ever met but things has changed.. while her brother did all the sacrifices!

" now you realize what I'm doing!"

"I'm sorry.."

"You should've told that to your brother, Jisoo!"
Again Jisoo was lost for words, she kept falling in trance, or it's just because Hoseok has always his way of shutting her up.

"I can't -"

That made Hoseok to stand up

"See? That's how selfish you are! That's why I really I hate you !"

" I can't because I don't know how.. I made all of these to make my dream come true.. I wanted to get married to the man I love.. to the father of my son- to see my family and experience how was it having a complete one"

"Yes!- to marry the only man your brother wants !"
Hoseok inserted, while eyes darting her.. Ofcourse he knows! He was at the concert that time.. Hoseok saw him in a glimpse but he just disappeared all of a sudden.
He's so familiar of that Kim Seokjin because his girlfriend was big fan of him, IU has all his magazine's cover at her house.. that made him become interested of the company, and made him decide to have a change of career.. he tried to send them emails of his application, and he got accepted because the CEO's Personal Assistant was under investigation that time.. according to them, the investigation was financially involved.
To make the story short Hoseok was hired and not long after he became Seokjin's Lover. But what he likes about Seokjin is that he never hides anything from him..the man don't trust anyone than him and his Company Lawyer Kim Namjoon.

" I didn't know that-"
" the moment he decided to keep your son-
You must know something is off! He will never do anything without enough reasons.. he could just sent people to  brought you somewhere and abort the baby without you knowing it.. and as easy as it can be, he could just sent his men to execute the father of the baby-
But knowing you got pregnant by the man he was looking for all this time... he simply choose to be the parent of your son "

That made the younger cried more, Hoseok had to breathe deeply, he had to control his anger or things will get worst.. he calmed himself down before turning away, the part he hate most was being a little harsh sometimes -
Actually most of the times!
"Okay.. stop crying baby Ji, oh my God! Seokjin will kill me if something happened to you while you're here please"..
He stared at the younger before sitting down beside her..
"See, you know I'm not good at comforting people.. specially you because hate you!- "
Shit! Self! will you stop !?

" -Im sorry baby.." he then slowly put his hand in her back and taps it gently, and as sweet as she is, Jisoo just leaned her head on his hyung and calmed down..
"I planned it all to let them know each other.. In fact .. the marriage was fake..  that's all I can do to make Jin- Oppa come here and meet him, I thought I'm doing it right- doing them a favor..
But turns out .. everything becoming a mess"
Jisoo's muttering those words
Again Hoseok rolled his eyes but he pulled her to a soft embrace..
"Ofcourse, you only made them feel guilty! It  all became their burden knowing they are betraying you as a wife to Jungkook and as a dying younger sister to your Brother! Duh.."

Jisoo gently hugged on him before looking up..
"Hobi Oppa . can you do me a favor?"
Hoseok was a little stunned he hate it when people asked him a favor-
Specially when the favor is coming from this brat! ..No ! Please!

" oh my goodness! I don't wanna sign up for this Jisoo No! It's a big No!-"

Jisoo split her self in the hug and get the small bag she had when she came.. handling it to Hoseok..
" We know I'm dying.. when that happens..
can you give it to them .. this one for Jungkook, it's the record of everything "
A small red bag with a small box inside..

"And this one for Jin-Oppa.. make sure they will have it when I'm gone.."

Hoseok throw her a glare after staring at the boxes..
"I really..
really hate you !"

But instead of getting sad Jisoo sweetly smiled at him before leaning and hugging him again .

"Thank you Hobi Oppa you're the second best-
After Jin-Oppa  Ofcourse!"

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