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"what will you do .. if I choose to  go back ? "

Jungkook layed his head on his chest..
Seokjin kissed him in the head before answering..

" I will go and bring Tae home.."
And he waited for Jungkook to look at him.. he wanted the younger to see the sincerity in his eyes, when he did Seokjin continues ..

"to where his father is . Nayeon Already prepared everything first thing in the morning that day. That was the plan behind A and B ... If you don't come on time .."
Seokjin pressing on his arms gently, giving the younger a soothing massage..

"Me and Taehyung will fly back to Seoul.. I was ready to win you back.. But then the plan A works, which is NamJoon's, although the plan B didn't happen which was you living in the Mansion with us and I know is impossible to happen.. "
Jungkook pulled himself up, he wanted to focus on how Seokjin planned everything to win him back..
"however I'm still aware about something wrong was still happening.. and all I can do is watch you until I figure it out "

Jungkook start playing  the older's nips while listening..
Seokjin had to held his hand to stop what's he's been doing-
That arouse him, Jungkook looked up at him questioning..
" there's so much you need to know baby.. if you keep doing that it will lead me fucking you non-stop " Jungkook loves how breathy Seokjin mumbling on him..

" And I'd love you to do that Jin"
Jungkook's sweet voice made him stare at him confused..
"Do what?"
" fucking non-stop '' Jungkook's bunny smiles flash on his face.. that made Seokjin smile and pulled him back at his arms in instant..

"Anymore questions before we do?"
Seokjin start planting kisses on his neck..

" yeah.. "


"How about your lover?"
Seokjin stop and stared at him -
Again confused...

"Whose lover?"
Jungkook rolled his eyes,
"Why are you so naive?! I wonder how many lovers do you have!?"

" I only had one lover Jungkook'"
The younger had to bite his lips to stop himself from moaning, because Seokjin say that with his mouth on his left ear and his hand on his balls...

" oh my God!- this a bad idea .. having.. ahhh..
Q and A!.. oh fuck!.."
Again Seokjin whispering at his ears breathy,  which excites the younger more..
" He's moans are the sweetest.. he had the most wonderful body.. he got tattoos on his arms.." Seokjin runs his hand on his tattooed arms to his fingers.. " and he got my initial in his ring finger " Seokjin held his ring finger and kissed it gently .. before sucking it while his eyes boring at him..

"J- Jin..."

"I only had one lover.. it was you from the start Jungkook.. not Hoseok.. not anyone else"

Jungkook felt the guilts, remembering Ming Yu..

" but you sleep together?.."
" I may have all the things in the world baby, but I'm still a human with the needs.. Hoseok offering himself everytime I am  stressed.. we became friends -"

Seokjin doesn't know how to say it in the form that Jungkook will take it easily-

"- with benefits. Is that it Jin?.. you are always taking for granted? That's how you do it! I know! I've been there!"

Jungkook said- meeting his gaze..
Seokjin looked deep at him, and stop everything he's been doing, before he  leaned his back on the head board of the bed.. his head fall back and his eyes closed -
He felt tired.

"I never take you for granted Jungkook, like I said I'm  only human.. I'm a man with the needs.. but because of the power I have.."
He continues talking with his eyes closed...

"People often accusing me of taking them or things for granted when all this time I was the one suffered and shouldered everything.. "
Seokjin start tearing up .. although he was trying very hard to suppress himself from crying. His voice trembles ..
" I suffered because my sister was Inlove with the only man who made me insane.. I suffered because Hoseok was there giving his everything for me that I'm not even asking, and I fall into trap.." he let his tears fall, before he opened his eyes and looked at the younger ..
"I suffered because I was there for Taehyung while his parents was in trouble.. and now it became my fault that I had to leave and give you the space because you need to take things slow.." his gaze fell on the younger's hand that gently squeezing on his..
Jungkook felt the guilt..
"you don't even know how I endured the pain of loosing both my sister and the one I love most"..

Jungkook doesn't know how to take it..
He doesn't know how to react seeing Seokjin in pain, in tears and hearing how all this time the man he thought was as arrogant as him was enduring all those pains and sufferings.. and the fact that he  was the one who caused him heartaches..

" J-Jin .." Jungkook had to cover his mouth or he'll burst out
"oh my God.. why didn't you tell me.. you should've just-
Oh my God!"
He pulled the man in the hug
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry Jin! You should've told me! You don't have to endure all the pains.. I'm sorry Jin! I'm so sorry"
He cried , and he kissed him everywhere on the face.. how could he stay away while the man was suffering?
He stared at him and Jin met his gaze.. Jin pulled him again to embrace..
And Jungkook kissed him in the lips intensely.. he does want this moment to end
Without clearing everything, and he need an assurance
" can we start over again?  You know I'm Inlove with you, right? Can we be just true to our selves for once? We Can do it this time, Jin "
Seokjin held his hand, bringing it to his lips..

" That's what I'm trying to do..  baby I'm Inlove with you, since the first time I saw you.. -"
Jungkook smiled at him..

"At the wedding.."

Jungkook said..
Seokjin shakes his head, his hand runs on the younger's face.. feeling the smoothness of his skin

"No.. at the Concert, some eight years ago"

Suddenly Seokjin's eyes that are covering with those beautiful thick lashes shimmered, like he's watching some Romeo and Juliet scene..

" I was in that concert, when I saw you.. it seems like a dream to me, my eyes was fixed on you.. your bunny smiles.. those dimples when your shy.. your googly eyes.. I was  almost walking towards you-"

Jungkook can't believe it! Knowing Seokjin was at the concert ..
" You're with Jisoo that night?"

"No. I was there with Namjoon, although Jisoo saw me with Namjoon. Hoseok invited him, sending him 2 invitations.. it was IU's concert right? Back then IU was in a relationship with Jung Hoseok. I didn't know anything about anyone back then.. it was Hoseok's story. Anyway, Namjoon asked if I want to come with him, that's how it was. As I was saying, when Jisoo approached you, I saw her and by the way she looks at you, I know I had to back off "

Jungkook's hands gripped on the bed sheet..
What if Jin didn't back off?
What if Jisoo wasn't there?
And what if he saw Seokjin that night?
And why didn't he saw him there?

Maybe things wasn't this complicated..
Same thing that maybe..
He wasn't have the greatest gift God has for him-
For them rather..
His Taehyung.. Their Taehyung!

Seokjin saw the discouragement on his face he held his hand again and squeeze it..

"Baby, let's take it slow .. there's still Ming Yu between us.. and I also need to settle things out with Hoseok . But from now on I promise I got you "

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