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Nu wakes up early the next day.

The puppy, no, heartu , that’s what he decided to name the pup.

Heartu is still young, so he needs milk every few hours.

Nu had kept the pup with him in his room the whole night and attended to it whenever the tiny thing whimpered

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Nu had kept the pup with him in his room the whole night and attended to it whenever the tiny thing whimpered.  

When heartu woke him up early in the morning, he fed him some milk and lured him back to sleep.

Even if it was a bit too early, it was still almost daybreak, so Nu had decided to head to the kitchen and start his day

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Even if it was a bit too early, it was still almost daybreak, so Nu had decided to head to the kitchen and start his day.

He had placed the box in which Heartu was sleeping close to him as he prepared some healthy and tasty breakfast and Lunch.

By the time he was done, heartu was already awake and hyper-energetic, and Nu cooed at him as he picks up the puppy.

He walks out to the dining and realizes, Zee had always been up and down here even before he was done with packing the alpha’s lunch

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He walks out to the dining and realizes, Zee had always been up and down here even before he was done with packing the alpha’s lunch.

He always had to rush it at the last minute.  How come he still isn’t here even after he is done everything??

Bemused, he walks up the stairs, holding Heartu in his hands as he slowly walks up to zee’s door.

He had been in that room before, he had to collect the laundry after all, but never while zee was still there. 

He hesitantly knocks on the door, waiting for Zee to reply but when he doesn’t get one even after good five minutes, he pushes open the door and ends up finding the room empty.

He completely opens the door and walks in to check the washroom and finds it empty. Where is Zee??

Puzzled, he tries calling the alpha but when he doesn’t pick up, he dials James and his best friend informs him that Zee had been in the office even before the office hours started.

Nu ends the call thinking that Zee must have made it early for this new project but ends up getting bugged by one question.

Why didn’t Zee even tell him about leaving early??

He tries calling once again when Lunch time arrives, but once again, Zee doesn’t pick up.

He ends up calling James and he tells him that Zee has a lunch meeting so he doesn’t have to worry about his lunch. 

He ends the call dejected. Is it just him or is Zee suddenly avoiding him?? Just what is happening??


Nu wakes up from his short nap with a jolt, rubbing his eyes trying to remember the scary dream he just had.

He blinks a couple of times, adjusting his vision, ignoring his dream as he glances at the wall clock.

9:48 it read.

It’s late.

Too late compared to the time Zee is usually home. 

In all this time they had dinner together, Zee was never this late.

Since the day Nu had started cooking for them,Zee made sure that he was home before 8, if he couldn’t make it, he would always call Nu before head and tell him to have his dinner and go to sleep.

Nu had done what the alpha had told him to, but sometimes he waited, even if it was a bit over 9, and they had dinner together.

And Zee never really comes home later than that.

Nu gets a bit worried and picks up his phone to call James , but stops himself when he remembers that James is probably home, a clause he sticks to.

He waits a few more minutes, thinking that Zee might be running late or got stuck in the traffic or something but when some time passes with no progress whatsoever, he decides to call.

He picks up his phone, swiftly dialing Zee’s number, waiting for the alpha to pick up.

Zee hasn’t picked up a single call from him since morning and Nu worries, what if he doesn’t pick up now as well??

His thoughts get cut short when the call connects with a click and Nu
is about to say something when the voice from the other side speaks.


that isn’t Zee.

It isn’t James either. It was a woman. A voice of a woman.


“Oh, this is Zee’s phone. Who am I speaking to too??”

the woman continues, but even before she could enquire more, the call goes disconnected

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the woman continues, but even before she could enquire more, the call goes disconnected.

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