special chapter-3

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 It was spring, with cherry blossoms in full bloom.

The pale pink flowers have a subtle but mild fragrance.

Neither fruity nor sweet, but like the fresh green of spring

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Neither fruity nor sweet, but like the fresh green of spring.

Zee wouldn’t miss for this world to go on a date with his adorable wife amidst Sakura this season.

Yes, he is extremely busy these days that he would rather sleep than move a single muscle but if he gets to see Nu’s boxy bubbly smile amidst fluttering cherry blossoms, it would be worth every second of his breath.

All he needs is his beautiful wife by his side and all his tiredness will be drained away.

Ok, maybe he did exaggerate that.

He is still tired.

Maybe he can get his tiredness drained tomorrow after a long nap? Yeah, that sounds lovely.  

Zee approves his thought with a nod and jumps into their bed and instantly knocks out, snuggling closer to his Teerak, Nu’s jasmine fragrance lulling him to sleep.

He slips into a deep slumber, dreaming of a less tired tomorrow when he feels someone shaking him.

Perplexed, Zee springs up, his brain still hazy with sleep, and finds Nu by his side, sitting upright, hugging his belly.

Perplexed, Zee springs up, his brain still hazy with sleep, and finds Nu by his side, sitting upright, hugging his belly

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“Why? Why?? Are you feeling pain?? Is it time already?? Do we need to go to the hospital??”

“Hiaaaaa, I’m only 6 months along. We still have 3 more months to go.”


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