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Zee was in the middle of reading a report when his friend Tommy pops up in his office.

“Hey Tommy, what brings you here?”

Zee smiles, encircling his desk to give his friend a short hug.

“Just stopping by. Am I interrupting something?”

Tommy raises a brow, gesturing toward an employee standing by Zee’s table

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Tommy raises a brow, gesturing toward an employee standing by Zee’s table

“Oh no, it's fine.”

Zee taps on his shoulder and walks back to his desk, giving the report back to the employee.  


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“Mr.phat . The report itself seemed fine but there are some spelling mistakes here and there.

On in the fifth line, the seventh word. Another in the eleventh line, second word. I didn’t finish reading it because I am sure there are more spelling errors in there.

Mr. Phat, you have been with us for almost 3 years now, it isn’t like you to make such a rookie mistake. I can excuse you for now, but I hope you will not repeat such a thing in the future.

Please make sure you check it properly and resubmit it to my secretary. Do you understand?”

Tommy lowly chuckles, Man, Zee does have the talent to be a leader.

Tommy lowly chuckles, Man, Zee does have the talent to be a leader

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