( " The meeting " ) Remake, PT.1

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There will be Povs to represent who's thinking of speaking at the time, to show their point of few, if you don't like that then be confused on who's talking eheheh ^^

Please enjoy!- or try to lol!-


No one's pov:

* it was a bright sunny day in heaven, angels all around playing, talking, and having fun, besides a angel in particular.. toonbriel, he was sitting in a corner being bullied by some other angels that he use to know a while ago.. they never liked toonbriel nor how he looked or sounded, as they kept pulling at his hair, his wings, his clothes, ripping some of his hair out and tearing his clothes as they laughed and giggled as toonbriel is only to cry and wheep *

Gabriel's pov:

* as I was walking by a dim corner in heaven I couldn't help but hear crying and laughter, as I looked over I see 3 boys bullying another angel that looked similar to me but had shorter hair, was slightly chubby but not really, and had icy blue-ish green eyes as I walk over, towering over the 3 bullies as I spoke up *

" Care to explain you 3? "

* I'd ask in a stern tone as I see them turn around to me, becoming fearful since they know I am gods favorite and will get them banished from heaven if this type of behavior continues on *

3 bully's povs:

* as we look up at Gabriel, gods favorite, we panic and try to explain ourselves but were too fearful to do so as all we did was cower in fear, not knowing what to do, suddenly we all apologized at once *


* we spoke as we could feel our body's start to shake from fear, unknowing of what was going to happen *

Gabriel's pov:

* I sigh as I call myself down before I do something I regret before speaking up once more *

" well it better not, if it does you 3 will be banished to h.e.l.l. do you understand? "

* the 3 would nod their heads as I allow them to run off somewhere as as I look down at the poor angel before me, his clothes torn and he had some bruises here and there as well, he looked terrified as he tried to get up and run away as well but tripped due to one of his ankles being fractured as I caught him before he hit the ground as I hold him close *

" H-Hey hey!- I'm not going to hurt you, I wanna help you.. don't be afraid of me.. you don't need to.. it'll be alright.. I promise.. "

* i tried reassuring the small angel as he eventually nods, whipping away his tears *

" what's your name little one?.. "

* I asked, waiting for his answer.. *

Toonbriel's pov:

* as he asked me for my name I seemed to have forgotten for a second due to how much pain I was in yet but I managed to remember as I spoke up *

" t-toonbriel..... "

* my voice was almost like a whisper due to being afraid to talk any louder than that but to my surprise instead of a laugh coming from Gabriel I saw a sweet smile *

" Toonbriel.. what a pretty name, and a suitable one for someone such as you "

* his voice was so sweet- it was comforting actually.. I felt myself starting to smile a bit as I hugged him tightly which wasn't what he had expected at all, but he hugged me back.. he was warm like summer.. or a cup of hot chocolate... a blanket even.. I was actually starting to feel tired and sleepy as I feel asleep right there and then without knowing.. *

Gabriel's pov:

* as I saw toonbriel drift off to sleep I could only smile more! He was such an adorable little angel.. and looked innocent too, almost too innocent but perhaps he was always just a good person and that's why he's so innocent.. of course I can tell he still acts like a grown-up rather than a child considering his age, he's around my age to be exact, but he's far more energetic form the looks of him.. I plant a small kiss on his cheek as I carry him to get his injuries taken care of, and get this sweet poor angel some new clothes since those other angels from early had ruined them as I rock him back a fourth, trying to make sure to keep him comfortable and help keep him from waking up yet.. I know I'm treating him like a child right now but I always do this when someone injured so don't take this the wrong way.. soon I arrive at a nurses office as I take him in so he can be properly treated, as a nurse takes him and i wait patiently to see the adorable angel again.. *

Nurses pov:

* I'm shocked to see how badly this poor angel is injured and the state of his clothing too, poor guy.. I'll make sure to get him all nice and fixed up, and try to help anywhere that may be broken, injured, or fractured, I'll make sure he'll be alright in the end.. besides no angel will be left untreated for their injuries *

No one's pov:

* as time passed, toonbriel was soon completely fixed up, though some bruises were still faintly there unfortunately but they'll completely heal soon enough so it's nothing to worry about too much as Gabriel is called in to see toonbriel, relieved to see he's okay as he picks the smaller male angel up, thanks the nurse, and walks away, heading to his house so toonbriel can rest there since he doesn't know where toonbriel lives *

Gabriels pov:

" don't worry, I'll take great care of you.. I promise.. 💗 "


And that is part one finished!!!

Jeez I didn't except to get that done as fast as I did, maybe I'll make part 2 a little later but we'll see!!!

Also the reason why I said remake is because these chapters will be a remake from my original book on my other account known as Ratchet or Starscream_legay.

I do admit I didn't like the older versions so that's why I'm remaking them mostly or entirely so yeah!!!

Hope y'all enjoyed this though!!

Bye you lovely beings!!!~

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