( " The meeting " ) Remake PT. 2

114 1 18

Tw: This is a sorter chapter/Part just so you know ^^

Contains: Fluff, wholesomeness, slight obsession, lemon??? ( Slight smut )

Please enjoy!!!! ^^


No one's pov:

* As Gabriel set toonbriel down on his bed and covered him up he smiles as he kisses his cheek, it was soft.. very soft.. he smiles as he sits next to him, watching over him, he loves how cute toonbriel looks.. he looks so precious and harmless.. he wouldn't be able to hurt anything or anyone at all from how cute he looks.. so pure.. Gabriel messes with with Toonbriel's hair as he chuckles silently to himself *

Gabriels pov:

" So cute.. cuter than anything or anyone I've ever seen.. I just wanna cuddle him and cuddle him forever.. he looks so soft.. his skin is so soft.. even his hair is soft.. he feels like a giant teddy bear but softer than that.. and his skin..... So warm.. so comforting.. I could fall asleep so easily if I touch his soft delicate skin long enough.. oh what I'd do to protect you my dear friend..~ I may take things a bit too far just for you..~ Even if it means I'm sent to h.e.l.l, I'll always come back to you one way or another..~ "

* I smile but shake my head, What did I just say- I-I'm sure I wouldn't take things too far- L-Let alone to the point I get sent to h.e.l.l, but maybe I would- No... No I wouldn't- I-I couldn't!- what's going on in my mind.. I don't know.. I really don't.. but.. I'll do my best to keep him safe.. and stop myself from doing anything I may regret in the future.. *

No one's pov:

* As Gabriel continued to mess with Toonbriel's hair he picks him up and sets him onto his lap, looking down at the smaller angel, his eyes turn pink as his pupils form hearts.. he caresses Toonbriel's cheek with one hand, using the other to make sure toonbriel doesn't fall over as he goes in for a kiss on the lips but stops himself and shakes his head, he hugs Toonbriel and sighs, he wonders why he's getting these sorts of emotions all the sudden and questions why he's acting in such an unacceptable way.. he sighs as he lays down with toonbriel ontop of him, looking down at him, seeing his cute innocent face as he smiles, he can't help but love him, he's just so cute, so innocent, what's there notto love about him? *

Gabriels POV:

* I really shouldn't do this considering we met today but.. I couldn't help but pull him up closer to me, and kiss him on his soft soft sweet lips.. they tatsed so good.. they were so sweet and sugary.. I kissed him a few more times before stopping myself.. I really can't be doing this, I close my eyes as I cover us both up, and fall asleep for the remainder of the night.. but I can't help but dream about all I can do to him and what we could be in the future.. I shouldn't be dreaming or thinking of such things- but I can't stop dreaming and thinking about such things.. I want him so badly.. but why?... Soon I wake up- noticing it way day but toonbriel remains asleep ontop of me.. I hug him gently as I plant another kiss on his lips *

" I-I really gotta stop doing this to him while he's unconscious but- I-I just can't resist..~ "

* I laugh to myself before speaking up *

" This may take a few- " wild " turns.. ohhhhh how sorry I feel that he'll have to be dealing with my feelings as such for him..~ But hopefully this doesn't become too messy.. oh that'd be bad.... It really would be.. "

* I chuckled to myself as a couple minutes later I see toonbriel awaken, oh how sweet he looks, adorable, so sweet~  *

Toonbriel's pov:

* As I look up I see Gabriel staring at me with big pink eyes and heart shaped pupils, I was confused but just assumed it was nothing as I smile and hug him tightly *

" Morning Gabe!! "

* I say happily as i feel him place a hand on my cheek *

" Good morning dear~ "

* Something wss off about Gabriels tone- it was deep and kind of husky- I was confused since i didn't know any better.. then realized- oh no-  *



Sorry it was kinda short and rushed I really am but I hope you enjoyed anyway- ^^


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