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(FYI if anyone wants +18 scenes, they will have to be separate non Canon chapters so the characters can be at least 18)

In the town of Naboo, a young boy killed his abusive family. The boy was rich and had power, but he couldn't get out of this one. He was freaking out. He didn't regret it, but he didn't want to get convicted.

A family friend somehow made it into the mansion, it was as if he knew what happened...

???: Sheev.

The boy jumped and backed away from the tall figure who examined the bloody bodies.

Palpatine: Hugo... I...

Hugo: You used Force Crush. Good...

Palpatine: Good- what?

Hugo: Come with me. The Force is strong with you.

Palpatine: The Force? Wha-

Hugo snarled, his mechanical sounding voice showed his impatience.

Hugo: If you don't want me to turn you in for these murders, you will come with me!

The young Palpatine gulped. He didn't know what Hugo had planned, but it would appear the only good choice would be to comply...


Ten years pass. The now 23 year old Palpatine is becoming more powerful than his master. But there is one more thing for him to learn...


Lightning crackled from Hugo's fingers and struck Palpatine causing him to cry out in deathly pain. Hugo snarled as he stopped torturing his apprentice.

Hugo: We make no excuses! The actions of a Sith begin from the self and flow outward!

Palpatine took in deep breaths.

Palpatine: I understand... master.

Hugo gave a malevolent smile.

Hugo: I once said as much to my master, when in fact I understood nothing. I simply wanted the pain to end... you will know pain...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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