Finding Patroclus part 2

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We  were all sitting around, waiting. Swarley was like two hours late. Where the fuck was he?  Who the fuck did he think he was? And then- the door swung open, slammed against the wall, rebounced, and closed again. "What the hell-" I said, I was standing up, leaning on the kitchen table. "Was that-" Started Damon. The door then banged open again, this time- someone walked through. And that someone was, "Swarley!" Exclaimed Denis. "My effin man!" Darren made a salty face. Swarley stood- posing? "Hello bitches." He said. I blinked at him. "I mean- what an entrance." Mused Damon. "Yeah." I spat. "Two hours late." He looked at me, eyes narrowed. "Eat me Fatsheep." I made a face. He suddenly looked from person to person. His intense stare stopped on Kamile. (Oh naw,) "Hey baby momma." He said, loudly. We all looked at them. "Haven't seen you since-" Swarley looked around dramatically, "What like 2014? Hows the kids? I wouldn't know-" Miranda gasped. I made a 'tf' face at her. "And what- that's my fault?" Replied Kamile, still sitting by the table. "I mean- yeah. Kinda." He shrugged. "Not really, no." She said. "I mean- show up Swarley, that's all you gotta do." ~ "I didn't fucking know where you and walking raisin lived! How would I?!" He exclaimed, angrily. "Swarley- you can't really blame her, for YOU not showing up." I defended weakly. "SHUP?! Put a sock in it, you cunt. Also- lovely child. Ye had a child, right? Yeah. Saw it on Insta. Loveeellllyyyy child. Hope she doesn't turn out as you Fatsheep- cause you smell bad as fuck." I blinked at him. "Yeah- we had a child, how dare we like?" Swarley flipped me off. "Don't care, stay mad you fucking over weight piece of fucking chicken." ~ "Um- okayyy." Interrupted Bella. She rose from the couch. "I mean- what is this? Selling Sunset reunion? Fatsheep- can you tell us what to do, so we can like do it?" I nodded. "Yeah, good idea...." 


They had met in the middle of the ghost town. "What the fuck like." Complained Ar. "Whats going on?" ~ "They know." Came a voice. They all looked around to see Draco- five feet away. "They?" Says Jerry, apprehensively. "Achilles and Patroclus." ~ "Wait what?" Piped up Masha. "What happened?" 

Draco had stumbled across the pair in a bar. Laughing loudly. Draco was flabbergasted. But he said, "Patroclus?" The two whipped their heads around to stare at him. "Brother!" Boomed Patroclus. "What brings you here?" Draco blinked. "I- uh- the wind? What are ye doing?" They shared a grin. "Well. We got plans." Answered Achilles. Draco blinked again. "Awh shit." He said. "You know." Achilles rolled his eyes. "Of course? Mother has already been informed. She might not care anymore though, who knows." Draco grunted. "You didn't have to do that, you dick." He said, directed at Patroclus. He narrowed his eyes. "I did? Its love first." ~ "Isn't it family first?" Said Draco. Patroclus shrugged. "Your half family Draco, don't take it to heart." ~ Draco scoffed. "Pft I won't. But I will remember this. Its you that said 'Love first.' Remember that." Patroclus frowned as Draco turned around- and left. 

"Um. Yeah so- I know what bar your talking about..." Says Jerry. They all look at him. "I set a bomb. There. Its gonna blow- any second." Draco's eyes widened. "What?!" Both he and Ar exclaimed. "Why the fuck would you do that, dipshit!" Hissed Ar. "I- wanted to see if the bomb would fucking work- and I set it up there! How come I didn't see them?!" ~ "Oh my god Jerry..." Muttered Draco. "You fucking idiot-" Then BOOM. The bomb went. A loud noise erupted the whole planet. They all flew back a few feet- hitting the ground harshly. The heart of the town engulfed with flames. 

They all slowly started to get up. All dirty. Fog and smoke clouded their vision. "Jerry!" Screamed Ar. Jerry flinched as Ar pounded over to him. And then- surprise washed over everyone as Ar slapped Jerry. People gasped. Jerry stepped back, horrified. "You do understand- Achilles is a fucking god? So he can't obviously die- but you know who CAN fucking die?" Jerry wore a confused face. "Oh no-" Said Grace. "Patroclus." ~ Ar nodded, viciously. "THEIR MARRIED! We're done- we're all done." The gang stares at him. "We should-" Started Gretchen. " We should go- like right now." And they did. 

"Yeah so- dunno. We do a car wash and shit." I said. Everyone stared at me, with pure judgement. (Kinda like this.) 

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"How about a bake sale!" Piped up a jolly Miranda

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"How about a bake sale!" Piped up a jolly Miranda. "Who brought Mary fucking Poppins?" Snorted Swarley. "She my wife?" Says Damon. Miranda made a goofy face. "Oh?" Said Swarley. " Thought you were gay?" Damon turned pink. "Naw- stop." I sighed. "Focus? People focus." ~ "Nobody wants to do a fucking car wash Fatsheep." Muttered Kamile. "Then what?!" I exclaimed. "We rob people." Said Bella simply. I looked at her. "No seriously- lets rob people. Over the course of a week, we split up, and rob people. We can go to a rich planet." Silence followed her idea. "That's a great idea love!" Boomed Rose. "Yaw." Nodded Denis. "That's- illegal." Mumbled  Miranda. "Babe-" Said Damon. "Its alright." Miranda frowned. "Yeah." I nodded. "That's bomb." We all cheered. "Stay the night. We'll start tomorrow." I said, firmly. "Slay!" Boomed Robin. First thing bros said all night. Robin and Kaz touched fists?  

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