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The kids were all sitting in the main area. It was- awkward between a few people. There was silence except for a few hushed voices. Draco suddenly said, "Um, guys?" From the drivers seat. Jerry frowned. "What?" ~ "We gotta land- somethings wrong with the ship- I don't know what though." ~ "Oh no." Muttered Ar. "What now." So Draco landed the ship. "Yeah guys," He called  out. "What?" Said Jerry. "Gout the ship, its gonna blow." Half the gang gasped. "Oh my god-" Exclaimed Ar, jumping out of his seat. "Run!" The kids run out of the ship then ran as far as they could before the ship- actually did blow up. "Oh my god," Stammered Grace as she amongst others stumbled. They all stared at the ship, jaws dropped. "Why- what- why- what do you mean?" Exclaimed Ar. "Draco- what the shit happened?!" ~ "I dunno." He admitted. "How did you know it was going to fucking blow?" ~ "I-I dunno.." Jerry and Ar shared a look. "But- what do you mean?" Asked Jerry. Draco shrugged helplessly. "I just- knew." Ar and Jerry stared at Draco as the rest of their gang stared at Ar and Jerry. "That- makes literally no sense." Stated Ar. "Guys," Interjected Po. "It doesn't fucking matter right now- what do we do?!" ~ Jerry sighed. "I don't know." 

Grace and Mel were speaking quietly at the back. "Come on Grace- Just speak to me." Pleaded Mel. "Fuck off Mel, I'm serious." Warned Grace. "Come on-" He pressed. "Fuck off!" She said loudly. Everyone suddenly looked at them. Mel grunted and Grace blinked. "Whats going on?" Asked Ar, eyebrow raised. "Nothing-" Said Grace, "Mind your own business." Grumbled Mel. "Oh! Big man over here." Laughed Ar. "If she tells you to fuck off, you FUCK OFF." ~ "Ar- its fine, stop." Snapped Grace. "Yeah, listen to her." Smirked Mel. Ar narrowed his eyes at him. "You better wipe that smirk off your face before I come over and do it for you!" ~ Mel rolled his eyes. "Oh I'm sooooo scared." Grace stared Mel down. "You should be." Said Ar, through gritted teeth. "All this talk yet- your STILL not doing anything." Ar lunged forward, people gasped, Jerry grabbed Ar, and Mel laughed. "Bro- don't." Said Jerry. "Please stop." Grace had whispered to Mel. Mel looked down at her. "If I stop, will you speak to me?" ~ "Fine, whatever." She hissed. "Fine!" The two then just- walked away from the gang.  "Ugly fucking bitch." Growled Ar. He pulled away from Jerry's touch viciously, and fixed his shirt. 

"I'm sorry. I was high." Sighed Mel. "Obviously." Shrugged Grace. "You were doing drugs." Mel ran a hand through his hair. "I- I just it got a bit out of hand, sorry." Grace looked at him. "I mean- yeah okay, but the apology means nothing. Your going to do it again." ~ Mel shook his head. "Fine." Said Grace. "You don't want me to interfere- or talk to you- then I won't." ~ "No-" Said Mel, eyes wide. "I- I don't want that. You know I don't mean what I say half the time." ~ "Like right now?" Questioned Grace. "Grace." He said, firmly. "I do care about you, and I LIKE that you care about me too. Your one of the only people that do. I don't want to lose you, so please just- stay, okay? Sorry." ~ Grace frowned. Mel waited. "Fine." She sighed. Mel smiled. And they hugged deeply. They both felt small feelings of- love. But of course neither of them knew about the other persons real feelings. They set their eyes on the gang. 

"Well, well, well." Said a voice from behind them. They whipped around. Grace gasped, "Achilles?!" Achilles smiled fakely. "Grace- Mel." He nodded. Mel wore a stern face as he brought Grace closer to him? "What do you want." He asked. Achilles chuckled. "You know- I asked myself the same question. And I really can't find an answer." Grace and Mel shared a look. "When I tampered with your ship- and located you- and actually came here, I was asking myself, 'What do you want Achilles?'" ~ "Get to the point." Muttered Mel. Achilles narrowed his eyes. "All I knew was that I was really, really mad. You know? Imagine the one person you really love- and them just being taken away from you, without warning." Mel gulped, Grace frowned. "Patroclus has been gone for two days, and its already been a complete nightmare. I can't get him back- until Mother BRINGS him back. I'm a god, I can do anything. Anything BUT- bringing someone back from the dead." ~ "It was a mistake." Said Grace, helplessly. "So?" Said Achilles. "What does that- like does that matter? Is Patroclus dead? Yes. He is." His eyes darken. "Imma take Grace." He said, simply. "Um- no?" Objected Mel. "Ah-" Said Achilles, placing his hand up. "Imma take Grace. She'll- probably not die, they never do at the start. Then your gonna go over to those imbeciles and claim that 'We're playing the long game.' Cause ye are. I always hated ye because ye were the Ogs kids. I hate ye more now." They both stared at him. "Come along, love." Smiled Achilles. "No." Mel said. But Grace stepped forward. Mel grabbed her hand. "Stop- the fuck?!" He spat. Grace shrugged. "Its fine. It really is. If you want to make things right, let me go." Mel stared at her. "Melon, I'll kill her." Said Achilles. "Trust me, I will." Grace nodded. "He will." ~ So Mel- let go. 

Mel walked back to the gang with misery. They all stopped talking when he arrived. "Where the fuck is Grace like?" Asked Ar. Mel looked up, eyes dead. "Achilles was here. Grace is gone. We're playing the long game." 

(Live footage of Mel>>>>>>)

(Live footage of Mel>>>>>>)

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