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The kids were on the ship- flying. "We aren't going back, right?" Said Ar. "Where else would we go?" Exclaimed Jerry. "I dunno- not fuckin Sunseed, that's where Achilles will go first!" ~ "What so you wanna go on the run?" Jerry rolled his eyes. "Uh- yeah! For a while anyway. Hands up yeah- who thinks we should NOT go back to smelly fucking Sunseed."  The majority of hands shot up. "See?" Spat Ar. Jerry ran his hands through his hair in stress. "Jerry, cop the fuck on." Stated Mel. " We can't go back." ~ "People will be worried! The parents!?" ~ "So what?" Said Mel. "As if they didn't run away too?" Jerry sighed deeply. "I- I- UGH. Fuck it. Draco- turn around, we aren't going back." Ar sighed with relief. "Thank god." Jerry shook his head as he plopped himself on a chair. "Wow." Mused Grace. "We're on the run..." Seriously though, what were those fools doing? They didn't even know if anyway died. If they were even in the bar when it exploded. Like the fuck? 

While everyone at my house was in random rooms sleeping, Swarley and Kamile were up- talking. "Why you so salty?" Questioned Swarley. "I'm not fucking- your the salty one." Swarley rolled his eyes. "I'm chill. So chill." ~ "Whatever." She mumbled. "Stop coming for me. And Fatsheep. Its not needed nor appreciated." ~ He made a face. "Oh is it not? Is it not ApPreCiAtEd?" Kamile made a face too. "Shup Kamile- your a mug." ~ "The fuck you on?" ~ Swarley shrugged. "I dunno." He stepped forward. "Wanna check and find out?" Kamile placed a finger on his chest and pushed him back. "Keep your distance." She warned. Swarley smirked. "Why? You nervous?" ~ "No. I'm not-" He rolled his eyes. "Get over yourself Kamile." Kamile nodded. "Okay. I will. I'm glad things are- clear now." ~ Swarley's eyebrows raised. "Your the one that made them clear all those years back." ~ "Its not my fault." She mumbled. "Yeah cause- nothings EVER your fault, it ALWAYS has to be me, right? That's how this relationship goes, right? That's how it ALWAYS goes. Maybe that's why we haven't had a relationship in such a long fucking time Kamile, because your just physically incapable of having a normal one with me. And I'd suppose that's my fault too, right?" ~ Kamile stared at him. "I'm not- blaming anything on you Swarley!" ~ "Your not blaming yourself!" ~ "I said it before, I'll say it again!" She spat. "YOU didn't show up. That's a you problem." ~ "Why should I have to show up? Why couldn't you? Were you too busy with fat fucking sheep?" He sneered. Kamile shook her head. "Maybe I was too busy- too busy collecting myself after being with a massive fuck up like you!" ~ "Oh don't start." He warned, taking a step forward. "Or what- you gonna hit me?" She asked, tilting her head. "Unlike 20 percent of men in this universe- I don't hit women. And to be honest Kamile? Out of all the men you've been with- or married to- I was not the worst one. I wasn't EVEN close to the worst ones. So how dare you claim I was a bad one, when you've been through a lot worse." Swarley snapped. Kamile's face fell. That hit her hard. "Good night." Muttered Swarley, as he stepped aside, and walked past her. 

The next morning: 

We were already on a ship. THE ship to be exact. And we were nearly to where we were supposed to be. "Sup Kaz." Swarley randomly said. We all glanced at Kaz who looked like a drug addict. 


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