Gang gang bitch

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We woke up with quite a surprise. Which was the police banging on my door. I opened the door and a bunch of officers stood, claiming they have a warrant to arrest both me and Damon. "Um- what?" I exclaimed. "Whats goin on?" Asked Damon, appearing. And then- we were being arrested. "What the fuck?!" Damon had yelled. The gang rushed into the kitchen/living room, alerted. "Uh- whats happening?" Asked Bella. "MY HUSBAND!" Screamed Miranda. She suddenly ran to the officer who was arresting Damon and attempted to punch him in the face- (She fell to the floor,) "Ma'am." He said, in a stern face. "Step back." Miranda looked like a bug on the floor. "Babe- its fine." Mumbled Damon. "What did we do?" I asked, panicked. They didn't answer. We were then finally dragged out of my house, leaving the rest of the gang to gape. "Wait- why didn't we do anything though, what just happened?" Said Bella, shaking her head. "Oh my god!" Exclaimed Kamile. "Gang, gang bitch." Sighed Swarley. And then suddenly- Sue walked into the house, cause the door was wide open. Half the gang groaned. "Sue!" Boomed Robin. "How are you?" Sue walked closer the them. She smiled prominently. "I'm good Romo. How are you?" ~ "Good too!" He chirped. "Why are you here?" Asked Kamile. "Just saw- the big commotion, Fatsheeps getting arrested?" Said Sue, eyebrows raised. "Knew he was a paedophile." Kamile rolled her eyes. "The reason for what just happened is currently unknown. What do you want? Don't you have a phone?" ~ "Ew." Said Sue. "Actually, I've something serious to tell you 'adults.'" They all frowned except the bachelors, who were the majority. "Your 'Loved ones' have seemed to- run away. Bout time though, I was getting worried." ~ "What?!" Exclaimed Rose. "Ran away?" ~ Sue blinked. "That's- what I said, yes." ~ "Damn." Piped up Swarley. "Honestly, good on them." The three girls gave him a dirty look. "Still gonna need the money." Said Sue suddenly. "Chill." Sighed Bella. "We're getting there. Plus- Fatsheep and Damon just got arrested, we need to deal with that first." ~ "Sounds like a you problem." Stated Sue, with that weird fake smile. "Your ought to figure it out, fast. And at least- pretend to care about your kids. Go search for them, for Christ Sake." She slipped them off before turning around and marching away. 

"I feel- unwell

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"I feel- unwell." Groaned Gretchen. "You should." Mumbled Greeta. Gretchen side eyed her. "Supportive much?" ~ "Naw." She says, flipping her off. "Whats the deal?" ~ "You slept with Po. Again." Gretchen blinked. "Yeah- I did, but how do you know?" ~ "Po told me, duh." Greeta rolled her eyes. Gretchen groaned again. "Don't! Tell anyone- apparently its such a big deal." ~ "Why would you do such a stupid thing?" Exclaimed Greeta. Gretchen frowned. "Are you like- for real mad about this right now?"  ~ "Yes!" ~ "Why?" ~ "Because he cheated on you!" She hissed. "And its fine, we're friends with him- but as soon as you fall back into old patterns, gloves are off. And nobody even knows ye had a relationship, so its hard!" Gretchen frowned. "I'm- we're not 'falling back into old patterns' its meaningless sex- its fine!" ~ Greeta shook her head. "Its toxic." She yelled. A few people suddenly pooled into the room. "Whats going on?" Asked Yelena. They ignored the people. "Who are you to fucking judge?" Exclaimed Gretchen, offended. "You've never had a relationship and you've never gone through the faults it holds?!" ~ "So? Its common sense Gretchen! Stop bullshitting around, and get serious you fucking whore." People gasped. Gretchen's face fell. "Your such a judgemental prick. I- I literally can't right now-" Gretchen heads for the door. "Yeah. Run away you little cunt-" Yelled Greeta after her. "Calm-" Said Yog quietly. Gretchen had officially left. "Whats going on?" Asked Amy. (Amy was there?) Greeta shook her head, frustrated. "I- nothing." Se then too, heads for the door. 

Damon and I were surprisingly put into the same jail cell. The police hadn't told us why we were arrested. I was panicking. "I have- kids. I can't be in here?!" I exclaimed as I paced up and down the cell. "The place looks renovated anyway." Stated Damon, who was sitting on the floor. "Can you stop this whole 'zen' act, its freaking me out." I snapped. "What do you want me to do then Fatsheep? Huh?" He replied. "Be normal?" ~ "I am- fucking normal." I stared at him. "Whats wrong with you Damon?" He looked up at me, confused. "The fuck do you mean?" ~ "Your not the same- nobody is but you- like no offence but marrying Miranda was a stretch bro. I can't help but feel you haven't been doing well, and I want to know why." I said, firmly. "I- actually dunno what to say, Who said it would be normal after Darth Sarah? I didn't. Did you? Did you say that Fatsheep?" ~ I frowned. "No- I don't think so." ~ "Then why are you so surprised?" He exclaimed. "Of course I'm not well- none of us are! State of us, thinking all would be good, time would heal the broken- even without fucking Darth Sarah I can't help but feel like life is trying to drown me- and thing is, can we even blame her anymore? To be quite honest- maybe the ending of the gang, and the stopping of being chased by Darth Sarah, and scared of our lives was the worst thing that actually has happened to me- I mean, we all joined you for a reason. We were all depressed." ~ My frown deepened. My heart raced. "I'm sorry Damon." ~ "What for." He muttered. "Micky." He gulped. He looked up at me again. "Its been nearly 2 decades." He said. "So? Micky was your happiness. Everyone could see that." I said, shaking my head. "Yeah well..." ~ "Yeah well its bullshit- that he died and that you didn't have the chance to say goodbye. Its okay to be angry Damon. Even after all the time that has past." ~ He nodded. "Yeah." I nodded too. Then silence took its place. 

"What do we do?" Asked Rose, with worry. "Nothing?" Said Swarley. "Their in Jail, not us." ~ "Stop Swarley!" Yelled Bella. "If you were in there, you'd perform dark magic on us if we didn't come save you!" Swarley rolled his eyes. "I'm just being real though, they're grown men, they're able to handle it themselves." ~ "No." Piped up Miranda. "We NEED to save my husband, and his special friend," They all looked at her. "Uh- Fatsheep isn't 'special'" Said Kamile. Miranda frowned. "Oh?" She said. "Oh my days." Grumbled Swarley, "Why is bro here?" Miranda made a face. 

Bella sighed

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Bella sighed. "We gotta bail them out. With the money we got." ~ "We need that money!" Exclaimed Swarley. "Yeah. And we need Fatsheep and Damon too. And that's that." Said Denis, firmly. Everyone else nodded in agreement. Except Swarley. 

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