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Today was going to be a good day.

I looked out the window of my small, but humble abode to the land of the rising sun. The sky held a dark pink hue, the day barely even starting.

Japan, how quaint, as opposed to the loudness of the states. I breathed in, and slowly breathed out, ready to start my day.

I glanced down towards my legs, making sure my right one was still alright. From the knee down was just metal and plastic, thankfully I could still walk freely. Technology is amazing, I tell you. A story for another day I suppose.

I waltzed into the bathroom, gazing at my absolutely handsome, sculpted, and scarred face. I hopped in the shower, and before you ask, I got a cover for my metal limb so it doesn't rust or anything. And yes I shower in the mornings, you dirty bastards. I get out, brush my teeth, comb my hair and get dressed for my work.

Well damn.

I should probably introduce myself. Mama would be furious at me already.

The name's Jason Mendoza, and I'm just the pizza guy.

That's about it.

That's all you should know, at least.

I walked down the steps to my prized possession.

My darling.

Mi amor.

Hell, this place might as well be one of the wonders of the world. Glad I practically live in it.

You know how much it cost to get this? An arm and a leg- I'm gonna stop myself.

I look throughout the shop, turning on the lights. The menus were written with both Japanese and English writing, just in case anybody from there came over to this little spot. You see, I ain't from here, coming from the the big apple itself: New York. Now you might be asking, what the hell is a guy from New York City doing in fucking Japan of all places?

Well, to explain-

*Knock Knock!


"This fuckin joker again..." I muttered under my breath, marching over towards the front door of my establishment.



I immediately covered my ears to shield myself from the ear popping voice of this stupid guy.

"Mic... Do you know how fuckin early it is!? Huh!?"

Present Mic, the local hero around here, strode his way inside, gazing at the interior of my restaurant. His obnoxious outfit was made up of a leather jacket and gloves,along with leather pants with a red belt. Finishing off with a large microphone looking neck piece on his neck, along with the iconic orange shades and headphones.

"Well if it isn't my good friend Mendoza-kun! How are doing on this fine day?" He said, lowering his glasses at the man.

"... I'd appreciate it if you guys treat me like an adult, I ain't some troubled teen or something." I said, crossing my arms.

"Whaaaat? Can't a friend check on a friend?"

"Do friends put friends on constant surveillance?"

"Ah..." He seemed stumped at that, scratching his beard with a sheepish grin.

"Like come on, y'all act like imma do something bad! I thought we were friends, Yamada!" I said, justifying my displeasure.

"Oh, uh..." He seemed genuinely saddened by this, but it ain't like he could disobey orders. He seemed to get more disappointed as he thought about it, so I gave it up.

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