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"Mama! Mama! Mira! (Look!)"

A young boy, about 8 years old, stood in front of an aged woman, the slight wrinkles in her beautiful face told her she.

"Oh? And what's this?" The woman asked, slightly kneeling down to his height.

The boy gleefully stuck out his hand, revealing a small little frog.

"I have a friend! It's name is Ranita, say hi Ranita!" The frog lazily sat there, its body sinking into the boy's hand.

"Well hello, Ranita! Nice to meet you!" The woman laughed.

"Can we keep it?"

"We can't, Jason. It needs to be free!" The mother sat beside the boy on the steps to their doorstep. She motioned out towards the setting sun in the sky.

"It's an animal, they desire the life of freedom. Look out there, look at these beautiful skies, the trees, the fresh air, we can't shield Ranita from that, no?" The boy thought for a moment, before nodding his head.

He walks over towards the small puddle he found it, gently plopping it down.

"Bye bye, Ranita! Have fun!" Jason said to the departing frog.

"Oh, Jason, your English is getting much better!" She said with a clap of her hands and a smile. The boy grinned at her.

In all honesty, the mother didn't exactly want to take it in, only for it to die. She'd rather not see her son sad.

"Mmm, how about we visit your father and brother?"

The boy's eyes immediately lit up, her excitement causing his mother to laugh aloud. He grabbed her hand as they walked off.

They eventually arrived at a bustling pizza shop named "Mendoza's Pizza".

Yes, it was rather uncreative, but it worked out.

The patrons inside greeted the mother and son.

Despite the few that had mutation quirks, they still felt welcome. The Mendozas never judge.

"Jason, is that you my boy?" A tall, big man stood behind the counter, his brown hair hand around the tops of his ears.

The father picked him up, making the boy squeal in delight as he hugged his father back.

"Now my day has gotten better! You come to watch your old man do what he does best?"

Jason nodded as the mother smiled.

"Julia..." He said, giving her a kiss and making her flush.

"Oh, Jorge..." She muttered.

"Now then, I'll take care from here, I know you got a shift coming up."

"That's right, it's been busy... I must go soon, so I'll see you soon, my love!"

"Hold on! Please, take this!" He said, before revealing a rather big lunchbox.

"All your favorites, even the bread sticks!" He said with a big smile.

"Oh, Jorge." Her smile widened, giving her husband a kiss much to the boy's disgust.

She soon left, leaving Jason and his father in the kitchen. In the kitchen was a teenager, his grey hair a stark contrast with the rest of the the family. He was quickly woken up from his small doze from a small smack on the head.

In My Steed (OC x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now