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"What the fuck is this shit!?"

"Jelly pouches-"

"I mean why the hell is there so many!? Are you living on these?"

"... Yes. Cooking proved to be inefficient. They provide-"

"It's a shitty ass protein drink and energy drink mixed into a jelly slop, man! This ain't real food! I'm hurt, man, I'm hurt."

"Doesn't matter, it provides enough for what I do."

"Right, and clearly you hate yourself. What else do you got in here..."

"Stop rummaging- stop throwing things! Oi!"

"Tch, I'll show ya how to really cook something!"

Okay, background. I stumbled upon Aizawa's abhorrent stash of jelly pouch things, which I took obvious offense to due to my background in the culinary arts.

What was I making? Just an omelette. Well, not just any other omelette, especially if it's made by me! While Aizawa rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, I got to cooking.

You see, me and Aizawa always encounter each other when we're out and about in the night, even sometimes beating up on people together. Based off my experience with him so far, it was that he was a very secluded person, mostly mentally. He's an okay guy, once you get past his rather disgruntled looks and bloodshot eyes. He even let me use his capture scarf (Without any permission)!

I also learned how much he valued his students. Albeit, he didn't say it directly, but I could tell he does, something I could admire...


"So you just sit around and wait for something to happen?"

"If you're bored, then leave." He said tersely.

"Well damn why can't I just hang with a friend of mine?"

"Friend..." He scoffed at that.

"What? We live together now, surely we're more than acquaintances!" I said, dangling my feet over the roof me and him were sitting on.


"Heh, and besides, if loud ass Yamada can be your friend, then so can I, right?" I teased.


"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, how is that teaching stuff going?"

"Why the curiousity?"

"Well, I ought to be curious about the stuff that goes on in the top hero school in the nation."

"... The kids have potential, all of them. Some are closer to reaching it then others."

"Well, it's different for different people, I suppose. Isn't the sports festival coming up?"

"Yeah, we bulked up our security just in case, though. We can't let our guard down like that again." He said, referring to USJ. Currently I was still able to hold my laughter due to seeing Aizawa's still mummy form.

"Dude, are you sure your eyes are okay?" I asked, my head on my fist.

"I'll live, there's too much going on to be worried about that."

"You can say that again..."

"... Do you know anyone else?"

"Any who else?"

"My students."

"Ah, Mina, Kirishima, the little brat, and that Midoriya kid. That's really about it." He threw a glance at me, noticably calmer.

In My Steed (OC x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now