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Are you fucking with me!?


How was this even possible?

I'm fucked. I'm cooked.

Okay, okay, let's rewind back a bit...


A few hours earlier...

I sat back in my seat, watching these kids beat each other to death as I munch on the little confections they offered.

These kids got potential, a lot of it. Strong quirks, strong in battle, I know a bunch of these guys could give anyone a run for their money, even me. Man, what a group…

I take a glance all around me, looking at the idiots in bright colored clothing. If they were out there doing something, maybe I could've gotten some help with Gaiden, but I digress. I am here at this place too after all, so it is what it is. I see this one bird boy fuck up that girl though… She should've thought sooner. There is always a weakness with every quirk. Maybe it's light? Because it's a literal shadow? I dunno, but at least she tried, I suppose, I wasn’t too impressed. Probably because this is the first time seeing these kids in action.

Man, I’m kinda bored.

Oh wait…

“And coming up next, is the rock hard brawler, Eijiro Kirishima!” Mic. Wording. Anyways, I am glad to see my guy out there, who is he fighting?

“And on the other corner is the steely brute, hard as steel Tetsutetsu TetsuTetsu!!!” That's his name!?

Come on, show me something!

“Three, two, one! Go!” They face off and… and… what the hell…

This was a horrible matchup.

It was an absolute slugfest out there, the two trading blows with their very similar Quirks. What the hell… I honestly can’t see how one or the other could win since both work the exact same fucking way. This is hilarious…


The two knock each other out… A little underwhelming, but it was still kinda cool seeing them try and beat the shit out of each other. Kirishima has grown, I can tell. What a guy.

Seeing these kids give it their all puts a smile on my face, but only a bitter sweet one. They battle for their hopes and dreams, reaching for the stars of heroism, but that's the thing. Society places their own desires onto these young kids, expecting nothing but the absolute best or what suits them the most. And heroes themselves may be worse, all the bigotry and negligence still runs deep within many of these jokers. I just hope Aizawa is teaching them right…

After the parakeet squawked into the mic, I heard that it was that Bakugo kid and some girl probably up next. Last time I saw that kid, he was a little shit, let's see how this goes then…

They march up to the arena, the Ochako girl with a look of determination and Bakugou with a look of… boredom? I can’t tell.

“Are you ready!? Get set… Go!”

Ochako immediately goes on the offensive, as Bakugo fires off an explosion!? Fucking explosions!? In this kid's hands? I guess it matches his personality…

Bakugo is being cautious, I can tell. He seems to avoid any type of contact with her. It’s probably quirk related too. His use of explosions to keep her at bay… he could drag out the match and make her submit this way. You may be annoying, but you seem to know what you’re doing…

In My Steed (OC x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now