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Man I shouldn't have stayed up that late...

I stretched my sore body as I woke up at the ripe time of 9 am. Aizawa has been left. Figures, I suppose.

Alright. What to do- oh a letter!

I staggered over towards the kitchen table, a letter addressed to me sitting on it. Aizawa must've put it inside when he left.

I tear through it and see... Well damn.

It was a check, pretty much my earnings I earned from all my actions and the raid. Not bad...

And it was also requesting the paperwork of said raid... I should probably get started on that...

How annoying.

I venture into the bathroom to do my daily stuff, taking a glance at the mirror in front of me.

(A/N: Please excuse the lopsidedness, and sketchy lines, I whipped this thing up in like 30 minutes

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(A/N: Please excuse the lopsidedness, and sketchy lines, I whipped this thing up in like 30 minutes. I kinda now realize I drew a worse looking Toji.)

Yep, that's me alright. Talk about patchwork...

Brush my teeth, tame my hair, check the prosthesis, you know the deal.

Wait, speaking of prosthesis...


"Yes... Do I gotta pay for it? Aizawa, you gotta help me out here... Uh huh... Okay, sure... Bet, thanks man."


Who the hell is Power Loader? Whoever that guy is, apparently he is a support hero, and can create a better, combat ready prosthesis. I'm also thinking about revamping my Kusarigama too. Aizawa was talking about being a judge or something for a competition. I forgot the Sports Festival was today... I feel like I'm forgetting something else...

A second later he texts me a number along with the message of 'Don't be too bothersome'. Whatever...

I rang up the number...




"Who is this?"

This is supposed to be a support hero, right? Is this the right number?

"This is, uh, Gran Profeta? Jason Mendoza?" Man this is kinda awkward...

"Hmm... Okay. Your registered. What do you need? His slightly hoarse voice filled my ear as I said my requests.

"I'd like to see several things, can ya do weapons and prosthetics?"

"Weapons, yes, prosthetics, well, I'm going to have to see you in person for the prosthetic. Come to this address at 6 pm."


He... He hung up.


So what am I to do until that time?

In My Steed (OC x MHA)Where stories live. Discover now