Chapter 8

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By the time we get to Pandemonium I'm barely staying conscious, the weight of the last few days bearing down on me. "Let's get this over with," I say to Caliban as we open the doors.

He gives my hand a firm squeeze before letting go and taking a place at the back of the room. "I have returned with Judas' thirty pieces of silver," I announce to the courts of Hell as I enter the throne room.

"At last, daughter," Lucifer says to me, with a smile on his face. "Now you may take your rightful place on the throne."

"Where is Prince Caliban," asks Asmodeus, visibly not pleased.

I reply with the lie we had come up with on the way here, making sure to keep my tone even. "Trapped in stone for the rest of eternity."

There are a few gasps around the room, from those who were in support of the demon. My father and Lilith pay no mind to this though, and instead start to lead me away in preparation for my coronation.

As I'm standing in a royal fitting room getting my dress tailored, I force myself to stay awake and present. My mind begins to drift to Caliban and the fact that I'm about to be ruling Hell with him and questions start rushing in. Am I even fully prepared to be Queen? What if he and I end up actually hating one another? What if the hordes of Hell revolt? What if-

But before I can sink further into the depths of my brain, I am forced back into the present when I get poked by a needle.

The seamstress gets a look of fear in her face before she apologizes. "Oh, I'm sorry, your majesty. That was an accident."

I give her what I hope to be a small reassuring smile, "No worries, how much more do you need to do?"

"Oh, I just have to finish up the hem and then I'll be done."

I nod and wait for the dress to be complete. Once it is she gestures to the mirror for me to look. I'm wearing a blood red gown, with rubies covering the bodice and off the shoulder straps. "Oh, wow, it's beautiful," I tell her. "What's your name?"

"I'm Mahalath, mother of Agrath."

"Well, Mahalath, I will be coming back here soon. Thank you so much," I tell her, before being sent off to select my shoes.

After I finish getting my makeup and hair done, I am directed to head back to the throne room for the ceremony.

When I enter, I notice the demons filling up the room and instantly my eyes begin to search for Caliban, but by now he has most likely put on a glamor to blend in. As I start to make my way up the path to where the crown is placed, I catch the eye of one particular demon that I can tell is Caliban and my body relaxes.

The rest of the ceremony is a blur, I sit on the throne, Lucifer says the rights, I am crowned, and now it's time for me to make my announcement. "As Queen of Hell, I have chosen a King." Caliban steps forward after removing his disguise and gasps fill the room. "Prior to the third event, Caliban and I performed an engagement right. We are now to be married, and he is to rule by my side."

Lucifer steps forward with rage, now realizing we've essentially kicked him out of his castle. "How dare you, Sabrina? After I've bestowed such power to you?"

"You haven't done shit for me," I bite back. " Except cause me headaches. And besides, now you and Lilith can go raise your baby together in peace." This seems to only aggravate him more, but before he can say anything else I call out, "Guards, take him away."

Lucifer starts trying to fight back, yelling obscenities at me, but Caliban comes to stand besides me. "Get out now, or I will tear your limbs from your body if you talk to the Queen like that again."

They manage to drag him away and I send everyone else away, needing a break from the chaos.

I'm sitting on my throne, nursing my second glass of whiskey when Caliban walks in. "How're you feeling?"

I sigh, "Tired, it's been quite the few days." I take another sip and lean back in the chair.

"Let's get you to bed." Caliban sends me a smile and extends a hand out to me. I grab it and allow him to help me get up. He then wraps his arm around my waist and begins to lead me away.

We arrive at a large set of ebony wood doors that he opens, leading into a large open room. On the left is a desk with a wing chair behind it, and on the right is a massive bed with deep red bedding. There are three doors, one leading to the bathroom and the others to our dressing rooms. Caliban points to one and instructs me to grab some pajamas.

Once I've changed into a two piece lavender set with lace I climb into bed, pulling the covers over me. After a few moments Caliban joins me on the other side and I feel a kiss being placed on my forehead before drifting to sleep. 

A Match Made in Hell - CalbrinaWhere stories live. Discover now