Chapter 9

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When I wake up, there are arms wrapped around me, legs entwined with mine, and my head is lying on a bare chest.

"Good morning, my Queen," says a morning raspy voice with a familiar accent.

I tilt up my head to look at the man next to me. "Cal?"

He smiles at me and I return it, feeling hazily well rested. "Hello, sleep well?"

"Yes," I respond. "That's like, the best night's sleep I've ever had."

Caliban chuckles at that, "Yeah, the entire bed was custom made." His hand moves upwards, seemingly unconsciously, and begins to rub circles on my hip. "Also, as newly-crowned King and Queen, we are allowed today off to adjust. I've had breakfast sent up so you can de-stress from the excitement of the past few days."

Moments later the food arrives and we move to the small table by the bookshelf to eat. As I sit down, I take in the spread in front of me. There are scones, muffins, croissants, waffles, pancakes, fruit, eggs, sausage, bacon, a variety of juices, coffee, and tea sitting on the table.

"Wow, that's a lot of food for two people," is all I can say as I stare at the feast in front of me.

"Well, I didn't know what you preferred, so I just ordered everything." A faint blush spreads across his face, and I realize I've never seen that happen before and I want it to happen again.

I let out what can only be described as a giggle, and I turn to focus on serving myself. I grab a blueberry muffin, two waffles, a few pieces of bacon, some fruit, and pour myself a glass of orange juice.

After a few silent minutes of the two of us eating, Caliban begins a conversation. "So, how are you feeling, about everything that's been going on recently?"

I look up at him and take a moment. "To be honest, I'm feeling overwhelmed, but drained. Everything has just been a mess, and I haven't even had time to think through this whole thing." I take a breath before continuing, feeling an urge to just let it out. "I mean there are so many questions I haven't even thought about. Like when am I going to see my family, and can I still go to school? I barely even know you, and am I even ready or capable to be the Queen of Hell? It's a lot to process and I haven't even begun."

"Okay, breathe for a moment." Caliban places his hand on mine and makes sure I'm looking him in the eye. "You can see your family whenever you'd like, we can work out an arrangement for you to attend school, yes you are perfectly ready and capable to be Queen, and you can ask me anything you'd like."

I do as he says and take a few breaths to steady myself before sitting up and deciding to take this opportunity to better know my future husband. "Hmm," I think, placing my elbow onto the table and resting my chin on my free hand. "Do you have a last name?"

His brows furrow at that, like it wasn't something he would have thought off. "Not that I know of, everyone just calls me Caliban."

I flash him a smile and say, "Well then I guess you'll just have to take mine. What's your favorite topic of study?"

He grows excited at that, but appears to try to hide it. "I enjoy alchemy the most, but I find arithmancy to be interesting as well. What about you?"

"I've started studying illusion a couple months ago and that's been really cool, plus I've always been really into potions because of my Aunt Hilda."

We continue talking and I find out that Caliban's favorite color is red, his favorite food is steak, he shaved his head once, and he loves bodies of water.

"Lakes, rivers, the ocean, it all is very diverse and captivating. I've been fascinated by it my whole life."

Eventually however, the topic changes, veering more towards our histories. "So I know about the mortal and the warlock, are there any more exes I should be worried about?" Caliban asks me, and I pause at the change of subject.

"No, not really. I mean there have been guys here and there, but nothing else that was ever really serious. How about you?"

"I've had... experience, but nothing very meaningful. I've spent so much time preparing to rule that nothing seemed important." The look on his face shifts slightly then, turning more serious and vulnerable. "Not until you that is."

I think that causes my heart to melt at that moment, his words rendering it to useless mush. I don't know what to say to that, my brain refusing to compute. So instead I allow my body to react, leaning forwards to press my lips to his. When they meet, he eagerly kisses me back, as though it was taking everything in him to resist before.

I let out a quiet yelp when he pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist. Caliban's tongue softly parts my lips, opening my mouth to his. It feels as though I've been waiting an eternity for this moment. Sure we've kissed before, but never like this, never with such passion and fervor. His right hand begins to drift upwards, drawing a path up and down my spine before repeating that over and over. Caliban places the other on the side of my face, deepening the kiss even further.

"Satan, you're perfect," he mumbles, so low I don't think I was meant to hear it. My hips involuntarily grind onto his, inciting a moan from him, so I do it again and again. The hand that was previously on my back moves under my night skirt to the apex of the back of my thigh, firmly gripping it and assisting in moving my hips.

His mouth is devouring mine, kissing me with a level of desperation I've never felt before. I let out a moan just as a knock sounds on the door.

"Fuck," Caliban sighs and I can't help but return the sentiment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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