Chapter 5

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After dropping off the Ravenettes in the girl's locker room, I teleport the coven and I to Hell.

"Sabrina, where did you bring us," Prudence asks, taking in her surroundings.

"Pandemonium. Everyone will be safe here."

"Safe?" She steps forward. "Sabrina, you just sent what remains of our coven to Hell."

"Oh praise be heaven," Ambrose exclaims. "We left the effigies behind!"

"I'll go get them!"

"No! It's too dangerous, cousin."

"Those effigies are full of energy our Aunties need. I'll be right back."

Within a moment I'm back at the Academy, and I manage to grab what I need, but right after I hear Father Blackwood call out. "Ms. Spellman!"

"Blackwood! So you're with the pagans now?"

"Strange bedfellows, I admit," he replies, stalking around the inside of the stone circle. "But these are extraordinary times. Tell me, the hedge witches in the Desecrated Church, they're yours, aren't they?"

"What did you do to them?" I ask, horrified to know the answer.

"Those withered crones? They're not even worth killing. Unlike you and your family." He steps forward, but I teleport myself back to Hell before he can get any closer.

I bumped into Father Blackwood," I explain the second I get back. "He's no longer bonded with the Dark Lord, which means we've now got my father to worry about."

"Yes, you do, daughter!" I hear a voice speak out from behind the thrones.

I turn around to see my favorite duo heading towards me from behind the thrones. "Lucifer and Lilith," I say. "The Dream Team, back together again."

"Don't mistake survival or codependency for love," Lilith clarifies as she makes her way down the staircase. "We are very much not together."

"Playtime is over, Sabrina," Lucifer states when he stands in front of me. "The Kings have called for the third challenge of the Unholy Regalia. You must retrieve Judas' 30 pieces of silver and secure the infernal throne for the House of Morningstar.

"Unfortunately, my family needs me back on Earth," I start to argue.

"I am your family, Sabrina. And though you have betrayed me, I will see you upon the throne ruling by my side."

This isn't enough to convince me, so I march on. "My aunties are on death's door."

But Ambrose says that he can deliver the effigies to them, and it's decided.

I have to find Caliban, is my first thought when I exit the throne room. I got so caught up in everything going on that I almost forgot about his proposal. Before I can even start looking for him, the man in question appears at the door. He walks towards me, stopping a deliberate foot away. "Hello, Princess. I've missed you."

"Hey, Caliban. So we should probably come to a decision, right? About the whole marriage thing?"

He takes a step closer."You already know how I feel on the subject. The question is, how do you?"

"I- I think it's a good idea. And as long as everything is equal and Earth remains free, I accept."

"Well, I do have a last minute condition. As husband and wife, it's only fitting we share our chambers."

I really hope the blush creeping onto my face isn't obvious, but by judging the look in Caliban's eyes, it definitely is. "Alright. I suppose that's acceptable. So are we in agreement?"

A Match Made in Hell - CalbrinaWhere stories live. Discover now