03 party planning

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03 | party planning

In the dimly lit common room, Pansy Parkinson sits on one of the plush sofas, flipping through a wizarding fashion magazine. Amelia Rowan enters, the flickering fire casting a warm glow on her features. Pansy looks up, her eyes sizing up the new Head Girl.

Pansy smirks, setting the magazine aside. "Hey, Amelia! How lovely of you to join us peasants in the common room."

Amelia chuckles, taking a seat across from Pansy. "I hope I'm not intruding on your territory, Pansy."

Pansy waves a dismissive hand. "Please, this common room is practically my second home. But enough about me. Tell me, how is life in Hogwarts so far? Is Draco behaving nicely?"

Amelia raises an eyebrow. "You're very nosy, aren't you?"

Pansy leans in, a playful smile on her face. "Honestly, I just want to know some juicy gossip. Things have been kind of boring this year. Everyone's always weeping about the war and no one wants to do anything fun."

Amelia smirks, deciding to share some aspects of living with Draco. "Well, if you must know, he caught me changing my a few days ago. Actually I decided to change my shirt in front of him. Just to see if he would be flustered."

Pansy's eyes widen in surprise. "Oh, scandalous! And here I thought you were the epitome of innocence."

Amelia laughs at Pansy's teasing. "Definitely not! I always got into trouble in Beauxbatons. I'm surprised McGonagall let me transfer, given my history back home. Always causing mischief, pulling pranks on people and partying."

Pansy smirks, her tone now laced with mischief. "Oh, is that so? How about we do something crazy then? I would say let's throw a party, but that seems kind of vanilla now."

"We can always throw a party in mine and Draco's living space. Isn't that reserved only for the Head Girl and Boy?" Amelia suggests.

The raven-haired girl grins. She purses her lips, then taps on them with her finger, pretending to be deep in thought. "It does seem a bit off-limits, indeed. How about Friday?"

"Ah, I have detention with Snape."

"How about you don't go?" Pansy replies, grinning from ear to ear. "I'm sure that would live up to your standards of 'trouble'"

"I'd rather not have Snape hex me."

"Please," Pansy comments. "I saw the way he took you to his office...and ordered you to change... I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you skipped detention."

Amelia gasps. "If that's your way of implying that something's going on between me and Snape then you're wrong. I just changed my shirt, there was nothing sexual."

Amelia and Pansy look up when they hear voices from the entrance to the common room. Blace, Theo and Draco enter the room, their eyes scanning the place and landing on their two fellow classmates by the fireplace.

Blaise is the first to approach them with a sly smile. "Hello, ladies. What are you two talking about?"

Pansy grins, "We're planning a party. It's going to be the biggest party of the year."

Blaise and Theo take a seat on the opposite side of the girls while Draco sits down next to Amelia, leaning back on the couch. Amelia looks at him and offers him a smile, a gesture that doesn't go unnoticed by the boy.

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