Chapter 4:Who cares about what place you're at?

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Today was another day for Yoh to follow his rigurous training. If things had developed as they should, he should be home by now.

Those were the thoughts of Anna as she was walking back home. Knowing Yoh, he's probably there haging out with Kumagawa and that midget.

In the short time since Yoh had transfered to this school he had made a powerful friend. That much was proven in the fight against Pyron.

One would think that'd be a serious danger to Yoh who was gonna compete to become Shaman King. Fortunately, Anna had been able to discern the fact that Kumagawa really didn't care or want to be Shaman King.

As it happens to be, on that time Ryu and his gang were looking for a new place to stay at. First they were beat and thrown out of the graveyard by Kumagawa and Yoh, than they were beat and thrown out of their new place by Ren.

Least to say, the gang was pretty unlucky recently. But as they were looking for a new place, or their best place as they liked to say, Ryu laid his eyes on Anna.

She was by far the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. You could say it was love at first sight.

He immediatly took a flower and kneeled beside Anna. The movement made Anna look at him, although she still had her desinteresed gaze.

Ryu:Young lady, would you be my best place?

Anna:...What a weird hair cut.

It was quite the understatement. Although no one got serious injured when they encountered Ren, the blade of his spear did cut a part of Ryu's pompador leaving it in an unisual hairstyle.

Her words must have cut Ryu deep, if his face was any indication. Coincidentally, the wind blew at that very moment making the petals of the flower Ryu held in his hand fly away.

His gang hurried to help their leader up. However, Anna laid them no mind and just continued walking.

The house was more like an mansion, although the rent was really cheap because of it's other inhabitants. As she opened the door she saw Yoh, Kumagawa and Manta sitting at a table, with the two shamans's respective ghosts floating behind their masters.

Anna:I'm home. Ah, so two came to visit.



Anna:Hm? What is it?

Manta:No...It's just...You said home. So that means...

Kumagawa:[Eh? Why are you so surprised? I don't think it's so strange in this kind of situation.]

Kumagawa had shared an apartament wirh Najimi before. Of course, that was until the whole ripping face off thing.

Ryu:What!? Your parents let you live together at such an young age!?

It turned out that Ryu had followed Anna after he regained his senses. Least to say, be was baffled.


Yoh:You're...Wood Sword Ryu, right?

Kumagawa:[What up with your hair? Well, I guess fashion is a choice.]

Anna:You again? Why wouldn't he be here? After all, he's my fiance.

Ryu:Fiance!? How impure! I won't forget this!

Ryu turned away and ran while crying. It was a pitiful show, especially from such an tough looking guy.

Manta:"I won't forget this"? What was all that about?

Kumagawa:[The human heart really is a mysterious thing, huh?]

Manta:But it's still surprising. So your parents really let you live alone.

Anna:What are you talking about? We're not alone.

Yoh:Yeah, Manta. Did you forget Amidamaru?

Amidamaru:Good day, Manta-dono.

Kumagawa:[But it's not just him, right?]

Yoh:Ah, you can tell? Guess that's to be expected by this point.

Anna:Hey, come out!

Several ghost went through a wall, revealing their faces. Upon seeing this Manta jumped back with a scream.

Manta:Kyaa! A gh...Ghost family!

Sukuna:What is there to be surprised about? Merely maggots crawling out of the wood work. Not even worth any kind of attention.

Kumagawa:[But how come they're all here? They have such varying ages, so dying all at once would be usually unlikely. Was there a murder case? A deathly plague? Oh, maybe it was a family suicide? Your know, like a lovers suicide, but larger. That's quite romantic in it's own way!]

Manta:Kumagawa-kun, I think that's a little too far...

Anna:They died in a fire, apparently. Talk about getting what you paid for.

Yoh:We don't let them posses us, so it's all good!

Anna:Why would you even think such things?

Sukuna:Give up. I'm supposed to be his Guardian Spirit and I still have no idea how this brat's mind works.


Ryu was currently in a bowling alley. He wasn't there to play bowling, but to cry his heart out.

He had dismissed his gang, telling them to go home. He wanted to be left alone with his mainly tears.

Ryu:Uhooo...That headphone brat...He's alwais trampling over my feelings...Shit!

Unkown to Ryu, an ghostly apparition was with him looking at gis plight for quite a while now. It decided to finally make itself known.

This ghost was a man with a black pointy beard and hair tied in a ponytail with black eyes. The most pelicular physical aspect of his was his green skin. His name was Tokagerou.

 His name was Tokagerou

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Tokagerou:Hehehe...Thwn why not just kill him?

Ryu was startled by this new voice. He immediatly sprumg back on his feet because of the new potential souce of danger.

Ryu:Wh...Who's there!?

Ryu looked around trying to find the source of the voice. However, he couldn't detect anyone else being there.

As he continued to look around he felt an arm hanging on his shoulder. But this arm didn't feel quite human, making a chill crawl on his spine.

Tokagerou:Would you like me...To help you get rid of him omce and for all!?

Tokagerou thought to himself he has hit the jackpot with this kid. He'll finally have a way to taje revenge on that damn Amidamaru!

Back at the house Kumagawa, Yoh, Anna and Manta sat around a table while watching the TV. Each teen had a cup of green tea and a bowl of snacks was placed on the middle of the table.

While idly paying attention to the channel, Kumagawa suddenly let put a hum. Sukuna had took notice of his shaman's change in mood.

Sukuna:Is there something wrong, brat?

Kumagawa:[No, it's just...I'm suddenly curious how roasted lizard tastes like.]

Yoh:Huh, weird.

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