Chapter 5:Bandits aren't very popular

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As the three shamans watched on the TV show currently rolling a scream was heard through the house. From the door behind them Manta came stumbling down.

Manta:Yoh-kun! Save me! Th...There's an weird old man in the toilet!

Manta pointed towards the bathroom. Indeed, the head of ethereal short old man came out from the toilet, a ghost that Yoh recognized imediatly.

Yoh:Oh, that's the former land lord of the place.

Anna:Tch! That lecherous old man is at it again...Don't be such a wuss! He'll leave after you threaten him.

Kumagawa:[Lots of people died in that fire, huh? To call this place haunted is an understatement. It must be hard for you, managing all of those spirits.]

Anna:Well, kind of. It doesn't help that Yoh is such a doormant.

Yoh:I just don't like conflicts...

Manta:...Can I go home now?

Manta decided to leave. He was already out of the house as he tied his shoes.

Manta:I give up. Those three are the only ones who can stay like this in a haunted place. I guess that's how being a shaman is...Ah, although Kumagawa-kun became a shaman recently. That guy really has nerves of steel...

Amidamaru:Hm? Are you leaving already, Manta-dono?

Manta turned his head towards the way the voice came from. Looks like Amidamaru was exercisimg sword swings outside.

Manta:Yeah...You're still exercisimg at this hour, Amidamaru? The truth is I'm used to all these ghosts, so I'm heading home.

Amidamaru:Haha! That's only natural. Ghosts and living humans should be kept separate.

Manta:Yeah, that's how it should be...


Manta:I had no idea ghosts existed until recently. Of course, I didn't believe in them either...Hey, Amidamaru? Why do you think I can see ghost?

Amidamaru:I have no idea.

Manta:Oh, well...Good night, Amidamaru.

Amidamaru:Cheer up, Manta-dono. I don't think someone who can see ghosts would be a bad person.

Manta:Ha! You're only trying to make me feel better.

Because it was already so late, Yoh offered Kumagawa to stay over the night. The minus accepted, seeing that there were still a lot of snacks.

However, a feeling bombarded the shamans imhabitimg the house that night. Kumagawa, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes large.

Although there were no detectable emotions in those large eyes. His smile grew as he sat up.

Unlike an normal person who'd use their hands to suppose themselves to get up, Kumagawa didn't. He bend his knee as his body sat up, hands let losely at the strange body movement.

It was like a puppet being moved by strings. Or a corpse raising from the grave.

Sukuna:That's quite a way to wake up, brat.

His spirit standing above him commented. Even he considered the way his shaman sat up as disturbing, but chalked it up as one of his eccentricies.

Truly, his shaman wouldn't exactly be considered as alright in the head. Then again, Sukuna supposed he wouldn't be either.

Sukuna:So you felt it, huh?

Kumagawa:[Something interesting is happening.]

Sukuna:Hm, that energy that pulsed a moment ago was filled with malice. But it was coming from a small fry from the looks of it. Chances are that little dwarf you spend your time with had once again caught up on it.

Kumagawa:[Don't be so rude. I was made fun of because of my height before as well, even though I'm just a cute boy.]

Sukuna:Sure you are...

Kumagawa:[But you're not wrong. Manta-chan can see ghost, but he's just your average normal. Even so, the ability to see ghost would make him be caught up in such matters. He is the damsell in distress type of character, after all.]

Sukuna:It surprises me that we can actually work together while I don't understand half of what you're saying.

Kumagawa:[You're just old.]

Sukuna:Tch! Ungrateful brat!

Kumagawa:[Well, enough chit chat. We have to hurry up.]

Kumagawa said as he buttomed the last buttom of his jacket. Seeing his contradictory words and action, Sukuna tilted his head.

Sukuna:For someone that's in a hurry, you sure take your sweet time to groom yourself. What's the point? You know I'll just reap apart your jacket and T-shirt once I posses you, right?

Kumagawa:[Of course, of course. But whoever this mystery ghost is flared their presence with a purpose. Don't you see, Sukuna-chan? This is a declaration of war. As such, we have to look our best. It's only common courtesy.]

Sukuna:Customs sure have changed since my death...

Kumagawa opened the door in a grand gesture, almost hitting Yoh that was gonna knock on his door. Tilting his head the minus saw that Anna was behind her fiance.

Kumagawa:[Looks like we're all ready.]

Following the signature of the ghostly presence they found themselves in front of an old bowling building. Ryu sat in front of it with his gang's members beside and Manta, tied up and gagged, over his shoulder.


Only there was a thing Manta know which he couldn't say because of his current situation. Ryu wasn't in control of his own body, Tokagerou possesed it.

Kumagawa:[Hey, who do you think he's more mad at right now. Me for cutting his hair? Or you for being engaged with the girl he fell in love with at first sight?]

Yoh:Not sure...I think both are equally important to him.

Anna:Hmph! What a shallow man.

Kumagawa:[I think it'd be better if he was mad at me. I mean, what did he think was gonna happen? The girl neimg all over him for his bad boy vibes and leaving behind her fiance which leads to a sort of conflict arc? This is not one of those cheap manhwas.]

Yoh:Wow, that was pretty detailed.

Kumagawa:[I'm a Shounen Jump subscriber! They are the enemy!]

Anna:How did this situation reach a manga against manhwa war?

Tokagerou:Amidamaru! I'm here for my revenge!

Amidamaru:Huh!? Me!? But I didn't do anything to him...

Anna:Idiot! That guy doesn't even know you exist! He must be possesed.

Tokagerou:Kukuku, you should be careful with your toungue, little girl. Do you even know who you're talking to? You're right, I possesed this body when he was angry and disturbed. That's because...Amidamaru! I want to kill you with my own two hands! Me, The Great Bandit, Tokagerou!

Tokagerou revealed his form, half of his ghostly body coming out of Ryu's back. At this display Kumagawa gave a clap of his hands while closing hus eyes.

Kumagawa:[To think we'll fave Tokagerou himself from all people...]

Sukuna:Brat...Enlighten me, who even is this trash?

Kumagawa:[No idea!]

Anna:What an ugly name.

Yoh:You really know him, Amidamaru!?

Amidamaru:Who are you!?


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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