Chapter 21

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A/N: Super long chapter but I felt so inspired that I couldn't stop writing. I literally did voice to text while I was driving so I could get it all done today. Please enjoy and constructive feedback is always welcomed!

Grayson arrived at the pack house and found his father and Indigo in the Alpha's office.  His father sat in Grayson's chair at the old and intricately designed, mohogany desk that used to belong to him.   He tapped his foot with impatience.

Indigo relaxed peacefully in a sitting chair near the desk.  The office and all of the furniture had been given by his father back when he turned over control of the pack to Grayson. He couldn't blame his father for having regrets. Grayson himself had been 18 when he took over the pack.  He knew he would be lying if he said he didn't want to wait a little longer to have children, in order to give himself a longer reign as Alpha of their pack. He hated the tradition of handing over the pack to the new Alpha once the current Alpha's child turned 18. But if sympathy is an agreement of feelings or emotions, his father made it hard find that middle ground.

Noah Carter was known throughout the Pacific Northwest. His mostly black hair that had soft streaks of gray in the front became a trademark style that he shared with his wolf.   Age had begun to show in the stubble that covered his chin.   His eyes had small wrinkles forming at the ends.    He used a black cane with a golden wolf as the handle because of an incident that occurred when Grayson was 5 years old and a rogue tried to harm Indigo. It's why Indigo is so indebted to him as well as understanding of his behavior.

He immediately yelled at Grayson "What took you so long?"

Grayson says "I don't need to report to you, Dad."

His father scoffed and said "You don't need to report to that little whore either," referring to Addison. He has always hated her.

Grayson took a sharp breath and responded his dad in a clipped tone. "Why are you here Dad? And why did you drag Indigo along with you?"

He couldn't convince himself to tell his dad who he had really been with.  It wasn't the appropriate time yet.

"Because someone has to do the work that it takes to keep this pack running! You've been gone most of the day screwing around with that, that, that excuse of a woman and neglecting your responsibilities!"

Grayson quickly became impatient with the conversation. "I wasn't with Addison, and what I do behind closed doors isn't any of your concern."

"Grayson, it is my responsibility when you are not answering your phone, letting the issue that is the rogue attacks slide, and sleeping around with useless wastes of your time."

"I don't remember relinquishing my title to you, Dad." Grayson spoke sarcastically. "How did you know that I wasn't answering my phone?"

"I may not be Alpha of this pack anymore but I have eyes and ears in place to keep track of you."

"Dad, Indigo is my councilman, not yours, anymore. You cannot use him as your personal newsletter."

"I will do whatever it takes to make sure you don't run this pack into the ground and allow these rogues to take over!"

"The only way they are taking this pack is if it is over my dead body; since I'm still standing, I think we are going to be okay."

"For now."

"For now? And what do you mean by that?"

Noah huffed and looked away from Grayson.

Fed up, Grayson spoke. "Indigo, Riley, please give my father and I the room." Riley and Indigo nodded.

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