040- did you just call me a bitch?

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The nine of them and Ami sat on Luke's massive L shaped sofa, just talking to the people next them.

"Alright let's actually do something?" Ivy says.

"Sure" Kay responds

"Movie?" Cami suggests

"No" Ivy responds

"Game?" Cami suggests again

"Yes" Nick butts in before anyone else can answer

"What game?" Ivy asks

"Twister?" Luke asks

"No way in hell am I doing twister" Matt says

"Fine" Chris laughs

"Monopoly?" Luke asks again

"Yes" Kay agrees

"I'll grab it" Ivy states

"Let me help" Matt smiles

"It's in the front room" Luke gestures towards the door

Ivy doesn't respond she just gets up and walks into Luke's front room and walks to the drawers.

"Ivy" Matt says

No response.

"Ivy" Matt repeats

Again no response.

Matt grabs her shoulders and turns her to face him, their faces are inches apart.

"Ivy" he sighs.

"What" she says turning her head towards the door.

"What have I done?"


"You keep randomly icing me out what have I done"

Ivy doesn't respond.

Her eyes start to fill with tears, but she refuses to let Matt see her cry, she bolts from his grip, grabs the monopoly board and walks out the room brushing past him.

Matt just stands there.

"What is going on?" He whispers to himself "What have I done?"

He walks over to the wall and places his head on it, he smashes his fist on the wall shouting, "Fuck!"

"What's wrong?" A voice says coming into the room.



It's Chris.

"Chris please just leave me"

"No I'm not leaving matt you're not ok"

"I'm fine!" He shouts leaning his back on the wall "What don't you understand?!" He breaks onto the floor.

Chris walks up to Matt and sits next to him wrapping one arm around him.

"You're ok, I promise you're ok. Just breathe"

"What did I do Chris. What did I do?" He says quietly.

"I bet it's nothing Matt, I promise. I will find out for you"

Matt doesn't respond he just sits there staring at the wall opposite.

Chris sits there a bit longer before standing up and walking into the main living room again.

"Ivy can I talk to you?" Chris commands more than asks.

"Erm yeah sure" Ivy shrugs

"Be quick I wanna start" Nate groans

"Yeah, yeah we'll be quick" Ivy says, knowing thats probably a lie.

They walk out the room and Chris directs her to a corner.

"What's your problem?" Chris raises his voice.

"What do you mean?"

"What's your problem with Matt you're all over him one second talking and messaging him all the time and then the next you're ignoring him and being a bitch"

"Did you seriously just call me a bitch?"


"Do not think you have any right to call me that"

"I think I do"

"How so"

"You are being a horrible friend! You don't treat the rest of us like this, so why do you treat matt like it"

"I don't know"

"You don't know? What do you mean you don't know?!"

"I'm sorry ok I don't know why I do it"

"Well don't apologise to me, apologise to him"

"I can't"


"I can't talk to him"


"He means too much to me, I'm scared"

"You mean a lot to him too but he thinks he means nothing to you"


"Yes really, so if you're going to be a shit friend either stop being his friend and stop hurting him or tell me why you're being like how you are"

"I'll do the second one"

"Good, now talk"

"I have seen the pain my mom has been through when my dad died and I don't want anything like that to happen to me or anyone I love I'm scared that if I care for someone everything will go wrong and nothing will ever be ok again-"

"But that's your mom and dad they were married, inlove. You and Matt are friends"

"I- I- I don't know anymore, I don't know anything everything has changed I've gained friend. I've changed my routine, my mom has spiralled badly back into depression, I just don't know anything anymore" Ivy starts to tear up.

"Hey, hey, I'm sorry it's ok" Chris says wrapping his arms around her. "Why am I everyone's saviour tonight" he laughs trying to brighten the mood.

"What do you mean? Who else was crying?"

"No one, no one"


"Just ignore me, ok?"


They just stand there for a few minutes hugging each other.

'I'm glad I have great friends, I'm not even that close to Chris yet I love him like a brother, same as Nick. I love them all so much, Chris, Nick, Madi, Cami, Kay, Luke. Matt, especially Matt. But of course I love Nate the most, as of course he is my brother, my twin, my other half.'

"Are you guys done?" Kay shouts from the living room.

The two stopping hugging and Chris responds, "Yep coming now"

Ivy dries her tears and walks towards the living room with Chris as they pass the front room she sees Matt sitting on the floor crunched in a ball.

"Tell them I'll be one minute" Ivy says placing her hand on Chris' shoulder walking across him to get to the front room.

Chris just nods.

Ivy sits down next to Matt.

"Whoever you are, go away" Matt says brutally.

Ivy doesn't saying anything she just wraps her arms around him and puts her head on his.

"Ivy?" Matt says.

"Yeah it's me, I'm sorry Matt, I shouldn't have done that"

Matt doesn't respond he just lifts his head puts his legs flat and wraps his arms around Ivy pulling her in for a tighter hug. He puts his head on her's just like she had done,

"It's ok, I'll always forgive you"

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