The thunder rolled in the distance, and lightning cracked and lit the sky with its white hot power.
Some see the storms of Seattle as destructive, they run to their cars or in their houses when they see that first streak of electricity. However, I embraced the infamous rainfalls of Seattle, it's why I moved here. You could always find me outside when that first raindrop signals the many more to come.
I was always alone out here, a great time to think. Some people think in the shower, some while listening to music. My thoughts were sparked by the music of rain hitting pavement, the rush of water into the stormdrain as it picked up.
Tonight though, the streets weren't clear. There was one person, a young male, leaned up against the brick wall of an abandoned building. His eyes were closed, head turned up to the sky. Rain ran in streams down his leather jacket.
Maybe he wouldn't notice me, I could continue on my way.
I walked past him. His eyes didn't open, no acknowledgment. That's exactly how I wanted it. But it could never be that easy.
Before I could react he stopped me, my forearm in his hand. He was behind me and leaned in, breathing onto the skin beneath my ear.
"A pretty, defenseless girl such as yourself really shouldn't be out alone at this time of night, in this weather," his voice dropped to an eerie whisper, "It's dangerous."
My breath caught in my throat, and I froze, his presence and voice sending chills prickling down my spine.
"Maybe I'm not as defenseless as I seem," I said cooly, shaking off the tingle left on my neck from his breath.
"We'll see," he said, and then he was gone. I whirled around, searching the street for him, the place on the wall where he stood just a few moments ago.
The street was empty.
A/N: I had an idea pop into my head and I decided I would take advantage of it. I don't know if its going to be a short story or full, we'll just have to see. Thank you for reading!