Part 1, Chapter 3 - Subterranean Hassle

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"I lived in Monkaw City while I was studying for my medical degree, so I know the subway network perfectly," William said. "Near the Beautiful Works Palace is Armorfolk Station. Its line, Line 3, has one station in common with Line 6, that being Beauley Station."

While Floyd was on the lead and neither Roy nor Brye paid attention to William, they were going on the right path. Floyd read 'ARMORFOLK STATION' over one of the entrances, and the four went downstairs. William paid tickets for the four, and they accessed the network. "Have a nice trip!" a voice said.

Due to the hour corresponding to the exit of morning-turn elementary and middle school students, the station was crowded with kids, young teenagers, and their families. As everyone followed the same path to leave the network, this was no trouble for the team.

To their pleasant surprise, their subway was arriving. During the only minute available to enter or exit the wagons, everyone did so calmly. The team managed to find seats. "I'll tell you when we get to Beauley Station." William said, and the subway moved. The trip was silent, both because hardly anyone exchanged conversations while the subway moved, and because none of the team knew what to talk about. William kept his eyes and ears awake until the holographic billboard and the announcer said 'BEAULEY STATION'.

Even before he could tell them to, Floyd, Roy, and Brye woke up, and the four left the subway. "I have never found the subway amusing, but I had no choice if I wanted to get to other places in Monkaw City quick," commented Floyd. Just by looking at the holographic signs, the team made their way to the part of Beauley Station correspondent to Line 6.

. . .

A blue light shined behind a person with a swept-back pompadour. It was Lurien Svenson. "Members of the Fugitive Association have made it to Line 6. I request authorization to block its exits," a voice came out of the speakers.

"You have my authorization to block Line 6's exits," commanded Lurien.

. . .

Lurien's goons, disguised as subway workers, holographically integrated boulders in each of Line 6's exits to the surface, much to the confusion of families. When Floyd, Roy, William, and Brye boarded a different wagon each, the station's lights went out, putting the backup energy to function.

Floyd holographically integrated his whip, Brye prepared their camera for battle, Roy took out a heavy Gatling gun, and William turned on screens containing several chemicals. As he prepared to fight in an enclosed space, protective goggles and a gas mask were integrated as well. The subway moved as if nothing happened. The doors were forced open, and goons came from everywhere.

Not knowing what kind of attributes his whip had, Floyd swung it towards a goon, whiplashing its arm. It tackled him to another one, who was waiting to grab him, to which Floyd responded by turning around and hitting its belly with one of his fists. With another whip swing, he threw it out of the subway. The speed caused its scream to drown in the dark.

Not to the goons' surprise, they continued to fight him while he gracefully dodged, albeit he was not exempt from injury or choking attempts. What Floyd told Harold was true: having fought to survive in Monkaw City gave him enough skill to defend himself.

"Heh heh! We've blocked ALL of Line 6's exits! Even if you defeat us, you won't have a way out!" a goon about to meet its fate warned him. Floyd threw it out of the subway.

"Attention, passengers: Line 6 of Monkaw City's Subway Network is currently inaccessible due to unknown blockades on the usual exits," announced a voice. "Please take the emergency exits closest to you or go to the stations this line shares with other lines."

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