Schools and Accessibility

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I don't go to school. I am currently enrolled in school, in a singular class, but I don't do any of the work.

🔴This is because I cannot get to my classroom, which I have to climb a flight of stairs to get to. As a disabled person who sometimes uses a cane to get around, this can be frustrating.

🔴I also have the constant fear of being watched at school. I feel like a have to mask, and I'm trying so hard to unmask in public that this makes it incredibly difficult.

🔴Due to my trauma (which I ironically got from the same school I'm enrolled in now), it makes it extremely difficult to even be around a school area. I cannot control my reactions, as I will clench up and feel disgusted when I come close to a school.

Some ways Schools can help with these issues are:

🟢Providing designated sensory rooms for teens. I specify for teens because I went to a school that had a sensory room but it was mostly made for kids, with a bunch of kid things laying around. This made me feel childish, as I am a year away from becoming an adult.

🟢Provide normal elevators designed like the ones in hotels, etc. that anyone can use. The school I'm enrolled in has one elevator for wheelchair users only. OR have all our classes on the first floor. The school with the sensory room had high school only on the second floor and elementary only on the first floor, which is highly inaccessibility.

Things to include in sensory rooms:
~Bubble tubes or aquariums with fake jellyfish.
~Bean bags and other alternative seating like wobble stools and yoga balls.
~Carpeted areas to sit if you don't want to sit on the alternative seating provided.
~Different kinda of books, touch and feel and picture books for when you're too overwhelmed to read anything else, or normal novels if you need to escape.
~LAMPS ONLY. NO OVERHEAD LIGHTING. Different colors, like LEDs or lava lamps for the extra visual stim. Remember to turn them off before you leave!
~Drawers of certain kinds of fidgets (have you ever seen Ms. Bench on tiktok? Kinda like what she has) so you have a variety to choose from.

These are only a few ideas. If you have anymore feel free to add them!

This was hard to make cuz I kept getting distracted from the soap cube cutting video I put on in the bg.

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