Stolen- Part 16

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Louis started walking to my room I could sence him coming. He slightly knocked on my wooden door, I finished zipping my bag full of the things I would need for this trip we were taking.

"Come in." I said loud enough so he could hear me threw the door. He made the door open a bit just enough to see his face.

"You ready?" I picked up my bag and nodded directly at him. He opened the door fully and waited for me to walk out. I exited the room and he wrapped his arm around my waist leading me to the car Niall would drive. I took one last view of my home I didn't know if I would ever see it again. I then got in the car and climbed across the seat to the window. Louis got in after me we both sat in the back. The engine than started running, Niall stepped on the has petal and we were on are way. We drove for hours, felt like forever..I got so bored I feel asleep with my head on Louis lap he didn't seem to mind. I fell asleep and dreamt of what life would be like if I were still me, the normal me not vampire me. I pictured hanging out with my friends every day, and just having fun. Louis said I smiled in my dream. As I slept Louis played with my freshly washed hair. He was definitely amused.

-Louis Pov-

She told me she was so bored just sitting in the car. She was so bored she even fell asleep on my lap. It didn't bother me at all as long as she was comfortable. Rose smiled in her dreams I could tell she was thinking of her life if we never met her. I some times thinks she wishes she never had met us but other times I think she is glad she met me. As she dreamt and I read her dream thought I played with jer silky hair it was so imusing just playing with it while she slept peacefully.

"Hey brunette." Niall spoke to me.

"Yea Blondie?"

"Get out of her dreams tsk tsk" he said with a sarcastic tone.

"Yea Yea" We finally arrived at are destination. I gently poked Roses shoulder to wake her up then whispered in her ear.

"Rosie Posie time to wake up."

-end of pov-

I woke up and it looked like we were in the Rocky Mountains how I could tell well I used to come camping up here all the time when I was a child. Niall had pointed to a cabin on the top of the steep hill.

"That's were we will stay for now." Niall spoke. I nodded my head and grabbed my bag out of the trunk of the car and raced up the hill. Vampire speed really does help ya sometimes I thought. I turned the door nob and walked into the cabin. I ran to the first room I saw and immediately started unpacking my things. Louis and Niall then walked into my room.

"Me and Niall's room is next door if you need anything just come and get us."

"Yes sir!" I said in a sarcastic voice.

"Rose you should also try and get more rest." Louis said. I agreed and motioned to my bed. They both then exited my so called bedroom. I quickly changed out of my jeans and T-shirt and put on baggy pj pants and a baggy shirt for pajamas. I climbed across the bed and got under the comforters. I scanned the room and then shut my eyes I slowly started to dose off, until one of the boys had come into my room. I kept my eyes shut. I thought it was Louis coming in. The boy climbed on my bed he was on the other side of the bed. I turned my body over to the boy who I thought was Louis and I opened my eyes. It was Harry. A screamed exited my mouth but he covered my small mouth with his big hands. No one would be able to hear that. Not a scream that was barely a second long. Harry picked me up from the bed still covering my mouth. I then thought of how to get out of his mess not thinking very well I licked his hands usually that works on everyone. you lick there hand and they let go but not harry. The window then opened and he jumpes out with me in his arms. He was taking me I felt Stolen...

-Hope you like this!(: will post more tonight of tomorrow[: k byee<3-

Stolen- A One Direction Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now