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Yesterday, I did go back to that café, and I did wait there for 3 hours

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Yesterday, I did go back to that café, and I did wait there for 3 hours. Pathetic, I know. And then I came back to the cabin and acted so casual as if I didn't just wait 3 hours for a women. For a WOMEN.

20 Year old,
Lives in Mumbai, India.
Here for vacation, currently staying with her mother's sister and her husband.

That's was the brief on what I found about the little brat.

I never thought I would see her again.

*Flashback to the day of landing*

The mild warmth of the summer in Denmark hits me right in the face as soon as I stepped out of the plane. So much better than the weather of London. With our men lugging our bag behind us. Me and Nikolai made our way out of the Airport.

As we approached the exit gate, a women swiftly run past me with her luggage being dragged behind her. A sting of pain jolt through my foot as the wheel of her luggage running over my it.

But when I looked up, I registered the appearance of her- a petite women dragging the luggage which is half her size, as if she's dragging a dead body.

Looking at the comical scene, a chuckle left my mouth.
My gaze followed her past the exit gate and unknowingly my foot followed her.

I observe as she get pulled into a hug by her folks. Laughter echoed as they share some memories.

Enchanted by the sound of her laughter, I didn't realize that I was blocking the way. Her smile blurring everything around her.

I had never felt the need to hide someone's smile just so only I could enjoy it.
I guess there's a first to everything.

A tap from the back broke me out of the trance, glancing behind me I notice my bodyguard.

"Sir, the car is in the other way. Would you like me to bring it here?"

When I looked back at the girl, she wasn't there anymore. Frantically looking around, I saw her getting in the car just in time before they drove off.

"No need, I'm coming."

Only if I could see her again.
*Flashback ends*

Imagine my shocker when I bumped into her out of all the people in the café in that big city.
But she slipped through my fingers again.

Therefore, as soon as I returned from the café, I had one of Nikolai's men bring the entire information on that girl. A name was all that was needed and her entire life information laid in a file in my room.

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