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Despite returning to bed last night, there was no hint of sleep in my eyes

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Despite returning to bed last night, there was no hint of sleep in my eyes. Last night replayed relentlessly in my mind – from the unsettling encounter with the rude man against the wall to when he promised to be back again. I guess everything that I read in a romance novel isn't blissful when it turns into reality.

Due to lack of sleep last night my brain seems to be lagging the entire morning. I don't function well without sleep, and I am not even exaggerating, I literally poured myself a glass of juice just to throw it into the drain.

After starting my morning in a nutshell, I'm currently dozing off on the deck while burning my skin in the name of vitamin D.

Like who even takes vitamin D at eleven in the morning? However, my aunt seems to think it's a good idea to get sunlight occasionally even if it's not 'the Vit- D hour'.

My sketchbook rested beside me, cradling an incomplete illustration. What began as aimless doodles had transformed into a face that haunted my thoughts since the previous night. The portrayal on paper didn't capture the essence of his ideal appearance that stirred a restlessness within me.

As I stay laid on the little couch outside, engrossed in my lala land, I felt heat on the side of my face, as if someone is pointing laser at me. I lifted my upper body slightly, so that I was on my elbow, and took in my surroundings. No human in sight and I hope it's not any animal either.

I guess it's the sun.

Zero survival instinct, I swear.

At night, 10 pm.

Immersed in the tone of the soft jazz playing in the background, my body swayed to the beat. Swaying around the room with my eyes closed.

Fresh out of shower, got done with my night routine, looking pretty, no assignment tension, no project deadline. *sigh in relief*
What more could a girl want more in her life.

Lost in my own world, I remained oblivious to the subtle slide of the balcony door. Not realizing there was an intruder in the room, not until a pair of hand enclosed around my waist, sending a shiver run down my spine.

A startled shriek escaped my throat before they become trapped within the intruder's palm. His face next to mine, his rough stubble gently caressing my soft skin, as he effortlessly sways us both in sync with the music's Flow. 

My eyes remain wide as my brain tries to get over the whiplash of emotions.

"Didn't I warn you to keep the windows closed tigr", as his whisper reach my ear, the feeling of relief washed over my body, even though it shouldn't because he's a intruder nonetheless.

I elbowed his abdomen, hard. Before I stepped away from him, away from the heat of his body that had my body lulled to relaxation.
As you can see, I'm not the brightest, so please excuse my nonsensical thought. Thank you very much.

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