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7 days gone by in blur

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7 days gone by in blur. 7 days of sobbing, crying, shoving my head in the pillow and screaming. In these 7 days I have done everything that a teen would do when they go through break up.

And here I though I would never get to experience teenage love trauma ever.

Funny, it wasn't even a proper break up for me.

Staying at home was messing with my head. So, I met up with Noor and told her everything, except for R21+ scene OBVIOUSLY.
Her reaction was not what I was expecting.
Her reaction was that of the disapproval one. As if she didn't like where it was going. She seems relieved when I told her no bad deeds happened between us.
Her reaction made me second guess my decision about the entire realtionship shit. Was I that desperate for a relationship that I jumped into one with no warning or preparation whatsoever.
But on the other hand my intuition tells me I knew what I was doing. I knew what I felt for him was not desperation. That didn't feel like it. Desperation.

For the entire week, Noor has always been there for me. She spent as much time with me as possible. According to her, it's her bestfriend's (-me) first ever heartbreak and she wants to be there for me at every moment.
And she proved to be very helpful. She kept my mind occupied at all times.
But even then, there this unsettling feeling that does not go away.

As I walk out of the café all alone, the hair on my back stands on end and I get that distinctive feeling of being watched and cryptic eyes following my every move. See!! Exactly what I was talking about.

I look around, only to be greeted with a couple getting into their car and bunch of people minding there own buisnessin the background. Of course it's nothing.

My chest deflates as I stand on the side and wait for my cab. Just as I pull out my phone to look busy, the blur figure from my peripheral put me on hold. The way my conscious was manifesting it to be a hallucinations while my subconscious laughs at that it, Is staggering.

I never expected him to find me.

But Of course it's him. Should have guessed the culprit.

He stands across from me. All tall, cold and angry and scary, before he starts making his way towards me and it's downright stalking, with his shoulders squared and his steps slow and measured.
And I can't help feeling the sensation that I'm the prey who caught the attention of big bad man,I won't be able to escape his attention.

There are people around us, lots of them, but they might as well be invisible under the invading scrutiny of his gaze. He steps forward, killing the distance between us and towering over me like a fucking god. One with Adonis looks and as cold as the statue.

My heart hammers as my nose fills with his scent. It's impossible to be unaffected when I'm overwhelmed by his warmth, presence.

Intense stare we exchanged.
I expected him to apologies,
Say sorry,
Start a decent conversation,
Beg on his knees,
Clear the air,
Explain his act.
Anything but the next sentence he uttered.

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