Chapter 7- The Pyro

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The bar was empty apart from them; it was very near closing time. Sam had a lecture early the next day, John had work, but every fibre of their beings wanted to stay.

At half midnight, John decided to be responsible, as much as it killed him. "I should really be getting back."

"Long drive?"

"Ha ha. Do you want a lift?"

"Are you sure you're ok to teleport?" He pointed at the bottles in front of John, and then his face turned serious. "Actually, are you allowed to do that when you drink?"

John nodded and then drained the last of his beer. "I mean, once I ended up in Nicaragua, but I didn't hurt anyone." He slammed the bottle on the table, "Pretty good for my Spanish, actually."

"Well, if you can guarantee that I won't end up in Central America, I'd love a lift."

"Perfect, what's the address?"

Sam hesitated for just a second, but then he told him. He trusted John, to an extent.

John waved his hand and a portal opened up on Sam's side of the table.


"Want me to walk you to your door?" John offered out his hand, Sam took it and together they stepped through the shimmering circle. "Here."

"That was awfully good of you."

"I needed the exercise. And look, no one cried this time."

Sam laughed, "We have this dating malarkey down."

John took a deep breath and, affecting a calm demeanour, asked, "Can we do this again?"



Sam nodded enthusiastically.

John gave a slightly wincing smile, "Tomorrow?"

"Yes." The word was out before Sam had really considered its implications. He had an exam the following day that he should really revise for; but a small voice in his brain argued that he really didn't need to revise and besides, it would be rude to go back on his agreement now.

John's smile was so wide, it looked like it might split his face. He looked genuinely euphoric, Sam felt slightly embarrassed at how much sway he held over this man's emotions.

"Tomorrow, then. Same time, same place?"

Sam nodded. To hell with the exam- uni was about more than tests.

"I literally can't wait."

And then Sam became his mother, "If you literally couldn't wait, you'd die." An awkward silence enveloped the corridor. "I just killed the mood, didn't I?"

John leant in and kissed him. "Not at all."

The next day, John bounded out of the portal and into the office. "Morning, Alex!"

"Yes, it is." Her voice could have frozen oil.

"Rough night?"

"Rougher than yours, by the looks of things." She sniffed and looked him up and down, "What is this boy doing to you?"

John leant in confidentially. "I went for a walk." Alex gasped and John added, "Up a hill."

"Jesus! Is he made of gold or...chocolate?"

"He makes me happy." John attached his name badge to his shirt and let his grin shine through.

"I can see that. People in Eritrea can see that." She fixed her own badge and then poured herself a coffee. "I hope this doesn't last."

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