Chapter 16- Monica and Simon

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Chapter 16- Monica and Simon

John returned to work, not entirely sure what he felt about the therapy- it didn't feel to him like they'd really discussed anything. He certainly felt calmer- and less tired- but he couldn't think of a single thing he'd said that was personal or pertinent to his problems. Whatever. At least he wasn't paying for it.

As he was walking back, he passed Lorna talking to Daria- she refused to even look at him, staring fixedly at the wall. He didn't care. He very decidedly didn't care. He sat back down at his desk and Alex walked over.

"How was it?"

"You're speaking to me again?" He asked, trying not to let the relief shine through.

"Officially 'no' until tomorrow, but I'm making an exception for right now- if you tell anyone, though, I'll deny it." She winked at him. "Was it Lovewell?"

"Yeah, she's-"

"Weird. Very weird." Alex nodded, "I had to go and see her after Rob, and she just puts me on edge. She's like a swan- pretty and calming and regal, but if you overstep the mark, very scary."

John paused. "You're afraid of swans?"

"A swan can break a man's arm."

"You can blast through steel with your hands."

Alex seemed to mull this over. "I don't think I could attack a swan. They're too regal."

"Well, I wasn't suggesting it as a fun weekend activity; just, you know, in case one tries to do you in."

"I'll keep it in mind." Alex glanced up at the ceiling as she tried to remember her original point, "I hope the therapy goes well. Just be careful with Lovewell, okay?"

By the time John got home, he'd forgotten he'd even seen the therapist.

At ten to seven, John got a phone call from his sister, Monica.

"I need a babysitter."

"Fine thanks, how are you?"

"John, I don't have time for your bullshit," John took this to mean basic manners, "I need to leave in ten minutes and there's no one to look after Simon."

"I have plans this evening."

"Can't you rearrange?" She really did sound desperate. "Mum and dad are busy."

He really wanted to say 'no', to just enjoy his night with Sam and not let other people and their problems enter into his hermetic life. But family didn't work like that. "I'll phone Sam." Dammit.

"Sam?" Monica injected as much coyness and curiosity as she could into the single syllable, "is Sam a man?"


"Is he your-"

"Monica, do you want me to help you or not?"

"Okay, sheesh." But it wasn't going to be that easy. "What were you and Sam going to do?"

They hadn't actually planned that far ahead, so naturally John responded, "Mind your own business."

He hung up and called Sam, "I'm going to have to cancel."

"Oh." The disappointment in Sam's voice stabbed at John's heart. "Ok."

"It's not that I don't want to see you: I do, I really do. We can do tomorrow-"

"I'm busy tomorrow." Sam sounded like he was trying not to sound incredibly sad about this piece of news.

John was busy the day after. "Friday?"

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