chapter 2

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Maryam POV:

I don't know if I was blinded by love or just too dump to have noticed. I should have known the moment he came to me that night.

Flash back
The night wind along with the silence that surrounded us was comforting. I raised my glass and took a sip of its content. The sweetness of the hibiscus drink along with the chillness made me to sigh in pure bliss.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind" came a voice by my side. A soft smile played on my lips and I sigh again from how much his voice affects me.

Yes, the voice belongs to non other than Ahmad Mahmud Muhammad son to business tycoon Alhaji Mahmud Muhammad and of course my best friend.

"No, not at all but I have a feeling that something is bothering you". I replied as I looked at him. I watched him in awe as he elegantly took a sip from his own glass and looked at how his Adams apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed.

Ahmad has always being a ladies man. One that doesn't know would think that he is Fulani.

However who am I to desire such a creature when I am nothing close to his beautiful Nafisa.

Yes, you guessed right. Ahmad's girlfriend Nafisa and I are always on bad terms. I just don't understand why she feels threatened by me when Ahmad doesn't even see me as a woman but a friend.

Y'all must be wondering how comes we are friends. Well for a start, Ahmad and I met when I got admission into Nile University Abuja to study geology. I was looking for the departmental HOD office but couldn't find it. Fortunately for me, I met a guy who was willing to help without looking at me to know what am worth.  He was a masters student in the department.

It was just a week after I met him that our path crossed again after all, the department was of small size. He recognized me instantly and stopped to say hi. He turned out to be the outgoing type so it was easy to make conversation without any form of awkwardness.

From that vary day we exchanged contact and our friendship blossomed. It was in the department that I found out who his father was because he never mentioned it. Ladies pointed fingers at me calling me a gold digger for being friends with him.

Nafisa and Ahmad met shortly before he finished his MSc. Things became awakward at some point with him when i realized my feelings and keeping him as a friend was becoming difficult because of Nafisa's tantrums.

I thought our friendship was going to end when he graduates but never in my wildest dream would I have thought that it was going to become stronger than when he was in school.

Our parents got to know each other through us. I still remember the first day I decided to visit them. Ahmad's mother Hajiya Zainab had insisted on paying her a visit and my parents agreed since they've become familiar with him.

My visit to his parents house was such a memorable one. His mother and siblings were welcoming and lovely. He had three siblings ( Abdullah and the twins zarah and rumaysa). Abdullah and I are of the same age.

I know you are wondering how I am friends with someone that is older than me. Well, is not my fault it just happened.

"Are you going to tell me what the problem is or we are just going to sit here in silence and allow mosquitos  to feed on our blood"?. A small laugh escaped his lips and he turned and looked at me with what looked like pity. Well, that look is not comforting.

"Why can't you be like Nafisa?" I heard him whispered . I know that I wasn't supposed to hear that but I did anyway but I pretended I didn't hear him. His next words surprised me and felt like iced poured on me.

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