The Trees' Leaves Blow in the Wind with Us

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Basil and Sunny walked beside each other, silent. They didn't have much to talk about... they both locked each other up in their house for the past four years. Sunny had been sleeping non-stop and Basil painted absolute horrors. They quietly walked and looked around them.

Sunny suddenly stopped and bent down in front of a sunflower. It was quite small but it was beautiful. He plucked it and put it in Basil's hair. He never wore flowers in his hair anymore, and Sunny didn't like that. Flowers... they reminded him of better times. Basil immediately flushed and stuttered nervously. "H-Hey, what are-...oh. Uhm... T-Thank you...?" Sunny nodded and continued walking, his hand brushing up on Basil's and holding it.

Basil felt his face go red and he looked away. Sunny grinned smugly, it looking a lot like Mari's.

They kept walking until they reached a large and modern house. Kel's.

Sunny went forward, still holding Basil's hand, and reluctantly knocked.

Thundering stomps crackled through the house and a loud thump could be heard. A few seconds after, a groan and smaller steps toward the door. The door handle squeaked as it turned and opened.

Kel was standing in the door frame, rubbing the side of his torso. He had long hair tied in a bun and was more muscular than expected. He also had scars around his arms, that showed from his blue and grey tank-top.

He blinked a few times, shocked and in disbelief that Sunny and Basil were there.

"I-I... Sunny, Basil...?" Kel rubbed his eyes and stumbled backward, his face slowly growing a big smile. He even started tearing up. "I-I-... Dude, I haven't seen you two in way too long, ehe..."

He stared at the two and hugged them.

Sunny stumbled back in surprise and Basil gasped softly. Eventually, Basil returned the hug, and Sunny repeated, it after seeing Basil doing so.

They were in the tight embrace for no longer than five minutes, it being bittersweet. Kel knew, and Sunny knew, but Basil was unaware, which made it even more sour.

Kel wiped a tear from his eyes and spoke up, his energetic self showing in his tone. "So, uh, do you guys want to go visit Aubrey...? She...uh... might need the company..." He looked away, nervously smiling. Something was... off. The silence was eerie, so Basil decided to reply. "Yeah, sure... I miss her, aha..."

The three boys walked beside each other, their footsteps in a similar rhythm. The leaves were falling around them, and they fluttered around in the wind, brushing against them. Kel's long hair swayed, Basil's ruffled and puffed up, and Sunny's just stayed in place.  Basil was starting to think he uses gel in his hair...

The afternoon was quiet, only a few cars rushed past. The sun was starting to sun as the sky turned into a pasty grey and orange. The wind was starting to chill them as they slowly made their way to Aubrey's house.

The boys stopped in front of an old house, where the brown and white paint was peeling and the grass around was dying and turning a deep yellow-brown colour.

Kel looked at the door, conflicted, then turned to the other two. "Hey...uhm... Y-You guys should let me try first... she... uhm... Hasn't-" He stopped and didn't bother to hear their answer as she slowly made his way to the door.

He lifted a hand and knocked.

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