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A/N: Yippi one more bad ending before the good, cannon one! This one won't be as bad, I swear. Also, I'm thinking of making pictures for this one before I write the next fic, what do you guys think?

TW: Suicide, slight gore, idfk


Sunny awoke with a start. He fought Omori and won again. So why did he feel so empty? Maybe because he hadn't told the truth. Sunny should. But it was hard.

The courage left his body. Along with his will to live, of course. It's fine. No one would really miss him anyway.

So he got up, almost falling over. He dragged the I.V. stand along with him, weak. The boy was feeble, so it took a while to walk to the rooftops. But he made it, eventually.

He stared at the door. Was this the right thing?

He battled himself, searching for the courage. Who cared if he beat Omori, what mattered was that he could do it himself. But he just couldn't.

Unable to muster up the courage, he turned towards the door and pushed it, the air ruffling his messy hair.

He looked down, walking so very close to the edge. It wasn't his fault.

The dark-haired boy held the rails, still staring down at the parking below. And he would have jumped. If it weren't for the feeble and gasping voice behind him.

"Sunny... You're not planning to leave me, are you...?"

Sunny turned, his throat dry. His lip quivered when he saw who it was. "Just let me go..."

Basil's breath caught in his mouth, hitched in his trachea. "Just stop this. I love you! Please, don't!" He then slapped his mouth. He just revealed himself. Dumbass.

But Sunny just smiled. "I know." The boy, teary-eyed, took a step back closer to the edge. Basil was almost on his knees. "P-Please..." 

"I can't... live with this, Basil. I killed her. It was me." Basil took a careful step closer to the weak boy. "I know that! Just please... come with me, I-I-" He was cut off by a bittersweet kiss.

Basil flushed and jumped in surprise, but returned the passion. 

They held each other for a few seconds. 

Parting, Sunny just smiled silently and took a few dangerous steps back. Before Basil could react, the boy had already fallen.

Basil's breathing augmented significantly. His feet acted faster than his mind.

He jumped down, hugging Sunny as they met in the air.

The dark-haired boy's eye widened in surprise, but he embraced the painter back. They locked legs and arms together, forming the least bit of comfort while the wind ruffled their hair.

Sunny closed his eye and smiled, at peace.

Basil closed his eyes and smiled back.


Even as they both splattered on the ground, limbs twisted and blown, they could still be seen in each other's comfort. Guts and organs filled the ground and blood was like a topping. It was quite the show.

A/n: Okay! WE'RE DONE WITH BAD ENDINGS. FINALLY. This one was a little lazy 😭 sorry-

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