24| I'm So Sorry

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My clothing brand, Redemption, has grew over the years

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My clothing brand, Redemption, has grew over the years. We usually do the light colors such as baby pink, lilac, beige, sky blue. We mostly do beautiful dresses suited for special events and occasionally we do causal launches.
A lot of my dresses have been in runways, magazines and on the red carpet.

But I've been working on doing a new look, sometimes the light is boring and the dark is mysteriously exciting.

And so, we're working on the new and improved look.

My managers have been posting on my social media a strange code.


The initials of the new launch. I'm excited to put my energy into this instead of overthinking about everything that's been going on.

Everything has to be perfect, everything has to be done.

And the photoshoot will be fantastic, everything will fall into place with this line.

The girls that have modelled for me will be coming back, I'm also modelling in this line. I asked Tara to model for the line but her exact words were, "black is not my color Rose, you know that."

However, Noa agreed to do it!

"Rosette," Tiago called out. "Can I come in?"

Paper, magazines, sketches scattered around my room. "Wait, I'll come out to you, give me a second," I replied.

I tried to tidy the room, piling everything up on the desk. I have to ship all these designs to the studio, we've got most of the collection done but new ideas keep popping up in my mind.

Once I finished putting the clutter away, I made my way to the living room. Tiago sat on the couch with a strange look on his face.

"Is everything okay?"

His facial expression didn't soften when he looked at me, it was hard to tell if he was upset, angry or neutral.

"Your dad wants to see you, that's all," his dry tone spoke.

Oh he's annoyed at something.

"He's coming over now, just wait for him," he told me.

"Why are you mad?"

"I'm not mad."

"Yes you are," I softly chuckled. "It's very obvious, you're not good at hiding it."

"I'm not fucking mad, Rose."

Jesus okay.

I stood uncomfortably behind the couch, Tiago hasn't been acting normal recently. He keeps snapping and sometimes even ignoring me when I pass.

The door opened, revealing my dad with a soft smile. "Hey angel," he mumbled. "Found these materials under the bed, would those work?"

Shit I completely forgot I asked him about that.

"Oh yeah!" I took the box off him and sat down on the couch.

"How's your mission going?" I asked, waiting for him to sit down too. However, he stood at the door.

"Well, I'm going somewhere right now, I'll have to tell you about it once we're done," he said, still holding that smile on his face.

I nodded and walked over to him. I gave him a small hug, "be careful, I don't want to end up in the hospital with you."

He rolled his eyes and kissed the top of my head. He said his goodbyes then left. I took the box and began to make my way to my room before Tiago called me.

"I just want to know," he said as he stood up, "why you haven't kissed me again."

I softly bit my lip, a sensation swept over my body that I couldn't describe.

I don't want to kiss him, but his eyes were full of rage. I was afraid of what would happen if I didn't kiss him...but I had to test it out.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy," my weak voice mumbled.

"So busy that you can't even kiss me?"

"We're not official or anything," I faked a small laugh.

He scoffed and stared straight into my eyes. "I know we're not official Rose, you have to give it time...but why haven't you kissed me again?"

The atmosphere was tense, goosebumps covered my arms under my hoodie, something in his eyes changed.

"I don't know, I didn't just want to do it without you wanting me to," I said, trying my best to keep him happy.

But still, that expression didn't change. Nothing changed. His eyes still held that coldness.

"I'm sorry but I have to go back and work," I told him before rushing back to my room.

Shit what was that about?



I tiredly walked to the kitchen to grab one last cup of coffee. It's now midnight, I've been working since five in the morning. My eyes began to feel heavy and almost sore.

"You finally leave the room," Tiago commented.

I felt my body tense once again, not knowing what else he was going to say.
"I needed some coffee," I quickly replied.

His footsteps slowly moved closer to me, then I felt his hands on my waist.

"Are you going to tell me the truth yet?" He whispered in my ear.

"I did tell you the truth."

He then quickly spun me around so that I was face to face with him. "Tell me the fucking truth."

"I did."

In that moment, I was terrified. I've never seen him so aggravated before. His fist punched through the cupboard above me. I jumped from the sound of the crackling wood falling on my head.

"Shit shit shit," he muttered. "I'm so sorry Rose, fuck I'm so sorry."

"It's fine," I whispered in fear.

He held onto my cheeks, "I'm so sorry Rose."

"It's fine," I told him once again.

He placed a soft kiss on my lips and stroked a strand of my hair out of my face.
"I'm so sorry."

Authors note


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