Chapter five

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Mom was discharged this very day as the condition was not worse she was just given medicines and we went home.

I made some caesar salad for her and gave her the medicines according to the prescription.

I put her to bed, said goodbye and went downstairs said goodbye to dad who was working and went to my room.

You know what comes next sleep.


Unluckily i was woken by the alarm today and i slammed it with my hand and groaned.

And then the memory of yesterday zapped to my head and i remembered mom being sick.

I quickly took a shower, changed and went to her room.

When i got there i saw her sleeping beautifully i know she must be tired so i just left her and slowly closed the door.

I met dad downstairs already dressed working on his laptop.

"Morning dad" i said.

"Morning sweetheart" he replied not looking up.

I went to the kitchen and made breakfast i kept mom's in the refrigerator and placed a note on the refrigerator saying 'breakfast inside till i get back' and drew a small heart and a smiley face.

Dad dropped me at school and left, i went to my locker and picked a few notes and the bell rang, making me groan and dragging my feet to the class.

I took my seat and looked around there was no sign of antonio, i smirked and laid back to my seat.

The teacher started with the lesson when antonio came in greeting the teacher.

"Morning" he said tonelessly.

The teacher didn't respond and antonio tried coming in but the teacher signalled him to go back.

And he obeyed, a serious student would bring out his/her book and follow the lesson but antonio didn't.

He leaned on the wall and glared at the teacher.

Some moments later he got a chair in the hallway and sat by the door side,then brought out his book and follow.

And classes went on.

During lunch i met with my bestie and we had lunch together.

"No study today, right?" heather asked, "yeah" i replied digging holes with my fork into the spaghetti.

"So did you spoke to antonio today?" heather asked.

"Why would i, don't forget he's the same person who treated us like we're nothing yesterday" i replied annoyingly.

The next class was biology finally a subject with heather.

And the class was fun as we treated interesting topics.


Finally closure, we took the bus and i first got off and i waved bye to heather.

When i entered home i met dad and mom in the living room watching, covered with blanket and popcorn and sodas in their middle i was surprised.

"Umm dad aren't you suppose to be in work?" I asked.

"Yeah well i went to work and i felt i couldn't leave your mom alone then i came back" he replied having his soda.

"Well movie time" i screamed entering their middle and we all laughed and that's how we kept watching the entire day.


Friday's finally here and i'm so happy as it was the last day of school for the week, i woke up excitedly and wore a beautiful gown mom got me on my birthay.

When i got to school i met antonio by my locker it seemed like he was waiting for me.

"Your note and this" he said handing me my book and a paper that seemed like an invitation card, i collected both and he left.

"Weird" i murmured and just like i said it was an invitation card to a party.

I dumped it in my locker and left for class cause i hate being tardy.

It was english and heather's here too and immediately i got in she waved continuously pointing to a seat next to her, and i got there and sat down.

After some time antonio also entered and lesson commenced.


After all the classes was free time for students to relax and i used that time to tell heather about what happened earlier.

"Heather can we go to my locker i wanna show you something?" i asked getting up, "sure" she replied and we left.

When we got to the locker i showed her the card and she gasped.

"OMG this the party everyone's been talking about" heather screamed happily.

"I don't get you" i said confused.

"Well if you don't know antonio has become the most popular kid here and he is all over the internet he's father is a well known businessman and he's hosting a party tonight at one of his father's mansions, everyone's craving to go card permits two so he gave it to you and me" heather explained.

I was still shocked but not that much as heather explained a few things but the main question is why did he invite us?.

"Well you can go with someone else i'm not interested" i said closing my locker.

"Oh come on why?" Heather asked begging.

"Cause my mom's sick" i replied.

"I thought you said she's getting better and your dad's taking care of her?" Heather asked again folding her arms.

"We..well yeah but still" i stammered.

"Oh come on just this once" heather insisted, "NO" i said strictly.

"Please pretty please please pretty please" heather begged following me with puppy eyes.

"Fine" i sighed my eyes meeting with antonio's and i stopped.

He didn't look away giving me a faint smile and i looked away, heather was distracted by someone so she didn't see it thank God otherwise she wouldn't let me be.


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