Chapter 17 : Cut

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Chapter 17

The next day...    

Riker POV

Selena told Curt about how I would put a star in my window if I needed help and couldn't text either of them. I felt a little better, but still not great.

Curt and Selena left so they wouldn't be here when dad got home, incase I wasn't allowed to have friends over. He said yesterday he would be home around lunch, but now it's almost time for dinner.

He finally got home and ordered a pizza for dinner for us. He seemed annoyed, so I'm guessing whatever business meeting thing he went to didn't go well.

He left me alone in the kitchen and was in his bedroom. I knew he was drinking beer though, so I was being careful.

I had 2 slices of pizza and then dad came back into the kitchen with his arms crossed.

"What?" I asked.

"Did you go in my closet?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you go in my closet, on the top shelf, and take a thumb drive!?"

"Um... Yeah."

"Give it to me. Now."

I slowly got up and walked to my bedroom. Dad followed me. I gave him the thumb drive back.

"Why did you take this?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know why you took it?"

I didn't answer. I didn't want him to know I was looking for my mom.

"Did you look at it?"

"No, I don't have a computer."

"Where's your phone?"

I handed him my phone. He threw it at the ground, smashing it.

"Well now you don't have a phone either."

He grabbed my arm and threw me on the floor. I covered my head with my hands because I knew the hits were coming.


Riker POV

I was locked in my room. All I wanted to do was leave.

I put the paper with the star in my window. But Selena's house was dark. She's not home.

Everything hurt. Mostly my face and back, but kind of just my whole body at this point.

I was done. I'm tired of getting hurt. I'm tired of dad getting drunk. I'm tired of this being my life.

I picked up my smashed phone off the floor and took the case off. I kept a blade hidden in there.

I sat down on the floor and started making marks on my wrist. I don't even care if Curt or Selena are going to be disappointed in me. They're not here right now to help. But my blade is.

Curt POV

Selena told me she wouldn't be home until late tonight and asked me to check on Riker and just make sure he was ok. I tried texting him a few times, but I didn't get an answer. I was slightly concerned but maybe he just got his phone taken away or something.

I thought maybe I should go check on him, just to be sure.

It was already dark out, but it's a pretty short walk to his house. I started walking down the road. I was almost to Riker's house when I got a text from Selena.

Her dad died.

I was instantly worried about her and how she would react. I don't need a repeat of what almost happened to her last time something happened to her dad.

I need to go make sure she's ok and just stay with her.

But I'm like 1 minute away from Riker's house. Maybe I should just go check on him really quick first...

As I got closer to his house, I could see the light on in his bedroom. And then I could see the star in his window.

I stopped. I need to get to Selena. Not that Riker's not important, but if he's just a little depressed about something, that can wait. Unless it's more than that.

Maybe I'll just peek inside his window and see if I can see what's going on. And see if he's ok.

I slowly walked over and peeked inside. I saw him banging on his bedroom door with one hand. And his other hand had blood dripping down it.

Ok maybe Selena has to wait.

I watched Riker go into his bathroom and come out with paper towels wrapped around his wrist. But I could see he was bleeding right through them.

I started knocking on his window, hopefully quietly enough that his dad wouldn't hear.

Riker ran over. Of course he was crying. I'm not surprised anymore. I'm just curious what happened.

I know his window is nailed shut, but Riker and I tried to push it open anyway. It didn't work though. It didn't even move a little.

Riker was getting blood all over his room at this point. And I was actually starting to panic a little. He needs stitches.

I tried Selena's window, and it was unlocked. So I climbed inside and went to her garage, looking for a hammer. I found one after a minute of searching and went back out to Riker's window.

I tried using the hammer to pry the nails out. But I couldn't get them. I really don't want to do this, but Riker's dad isn't letting him out of his room and he could die if I don't do this...

I motioned for Riker to back up. And then I broke his window with the hammer. I kept breaking the glass until Riker could safely fit through.

I helped him out and pulled him into a tight hug.

"You're going to be ok. Just try to calm down. We need to get out of here before your dad sees you're gone."

I took his arm and tried to put pressure on the paper towels on his wrist. We started running back down the road to my house and we snuck in through my window.

"Sit down on the floor in case you pass out. And put pressure on your wrist."

I went to go get a first aid kit. When I got back, I sat down on the floor beside Riker.

"Tell me what happened," I said, taking the paper towels off his wrist.

"My dad found out I took the thumb drive. And he was drunk. So he hit me. And then locked me in my room. And I started cutting but then I cut too deep by accident, and I couldn't get it to stop, and Selena wasn't home, and dad wouldn't let me out, and I just got really scared."

"Why didn't you text me?"

"My dad smashed my phone."

I opened an alcohol wipe and started cleaning Riker's wrist. He was squirming in pain and couldn't sit still.

I could tell which cut he was talking about. One of them was deeper than the others and was bleeding much more.

I started wrapping up his wrist tight.

"You need to get stitches, Riker."

"No," he whined.

"Yes, you do. It's too deep. And we need to get to the hospital anyway. Selena's dad died."


"I don't know anything else. That's all she told me. Come on. We need to go before you start bleeding through the bandages."

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