Chapter 50 : Busted

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Chapter 50

The next day...   

Riker POV

We got back home pretty late, but I slept a ton in the car again, so I wasn't very tired now. And Rocky wasn't either.

"I wish we had gotten back sooner so I could've seen Curt," I mumbled.

"You could sneak out and see him."

"There's no way I would walk to his house in the dark."

"What if I went with you?"

"Really? You'd go with me?"

"If you want me to."

"What if we get caught?"

"We didn't when we snuck out at the beach house."

"That's true..."

"So do you want to go? Is Curt still awake?"

"Yeah, he's awake. I've been texting him all night."

Rocky opened our door and looked down the hallway.

"I think everyone's asleep. Do you want to go?" Rocky asked.


I got out of bed and put my shoes on. And then Rocky and I snuck out the front door.

We walked down the road in the dark. I was kind of scared so I walked super close to Rocky. When we got to Curt's house, I pushed his window open and we climbed in. Curt was sitting on his bed watching tv.


He jumped up and hugged me tight.

Rocky POV

"I brought my brother Rocky because I was kind of scared to walk here in the dark by myself," Riker said.

"That's fine. Nice to meet you, Rocky."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Ok so tell me how the vacation was."

We all sat down on Curt's bed. Riker was in the middle.

"Well my first 2 days kind of sucked. I passed out from getting too hot the first day because I was too scared of the ocean. And then the second day, I fell off a boat and sort of almost drowned."

"Almost drowned? What happened?"

"I fell off a boat."

"Ok, but how did you almost drown?"

"I can't swim."

"You can't!?"

"No... And they're going to make me learn at some point so I'm really anxious about it because I don't want to almost drown again."

"What about the third day?"

"The third day was kind of fun. Rocky convinced me to go on his surfboard. And he paddled us out and we literally caught a wave and surfed in."

"Weren't you scared of drowning?"

"A little, but I also trust Rocky a lot now. He's the one that saved me when I fell off the boat because he knew I couldn't swim. He jumped in to help me."


"I'm just glad I'm away from the ocean and I'm glad that we're not in a fight anymore. That was stupid. I shouldn't have automatically assumed she broke up with me just to date you. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, Riker."

Riker hugged Curt tight.

"Now tell me how Selena's doing."

It was interesting to see how Riker acted around Curt. I could tell he was more comfortable with Curt than he was with me. I feel like he only talks to me if he's scared or needs something. But he seemed so open and not at all anxious when talking with Curt.

I just need to earn his trust a little bit more and I think we would be able to have conversations like that too.

All of a sudden, my phone started ringing. Riker froze and looked at me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"It's mom and dad," I said, quietly.

"No," Riker said, sounding scared.

"I think we might be busted."

"We're going to be in so much trouble!"

I answered it and held it up to my ear.


"Rocky, where are you and Riker?" Dad asked.

"Um... In bed?"

"No, you're not. Tell me the truth."

"We're at Riker's best friend's house because he really wanted to see his best friend when we got home from vacation."

"Come home. Right now."


I hung up and looked at Riker.

"We need to go," I said.

"We should've never done this!" Riker said, starting to freak out.

"Riker, it's fine. Dad will probably just yell at us, that's all."

"What if he hits us!?"

"He's not going to, Riker."

"How do you know!?"

"Because he doesn't hit us."

Riker sighed and then hugged Curt again super tight.

"Bye," Riker said.

"Bye, Riker."

Riker and I climbed out Curt's window and started walking home.

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