27| Don't Touch Me

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I stayed in Cecilia's for one night, she wouldn't let me leave the next day

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I stayed in Cecilia's for one night, she wouldn't let me leave the next day. She was afraid that Tiago would've been wasted and done something else.

But, when I did arrive home, there was roses, chocolates, balloons, and jewelry.

He even left a card which read, "I'm so sorry, I can get out of your hair for a few days if you like. I'm sorry, gorgeous."

And I can't lie, that did hurt. It hurt to know that he's been torturing himself about it, I really didn't want that to happen. But why did he do it?

Is he just a slightly violent person or was it a simple mistake?

God, I don't know.

However, my dad and Lombardi have found some evidence on Dan. He's hiding out in Paris, which just happens to be the place that I'm going to.

There's a fashion show that I have to attend. I've partnered with Genevieve a few times, they're spectacular.

But that means that everyone is coming. My family, Tiago, security and even Lombardi with his little minions too.

I know Lombardi only asked my dad to do this mission with him to try and get close to me, but it's not working.

I don't think he knows about his uncle. And I really don't want to be the one to tell him.

"Rosette?" A familiar voice spoke. "Can I come in please?"

"Yeah," I replied.

Tiago opened the door slowly, peaking his head in. He walked in and sat down on the bed, unable to look me in the eyes.

"I'm really sorry," he began. "I really am, you don't have to forgive me, I'll leave and ask your dad to give you another security guard."

"Tiago," exhaustion laced my tone. "I don't want another security guard, I just want you to let me do things that I have to do."

He finally looked me in the eyes, his shoulders slumped with his droopy eyes. "I'll accept your apology, but I can't be with you."

Yes Rose, you tell him.

"Okay, thank you," he said. Tiago then stood up and went to leave the room. However, I stopped him before he left.

"And don't you ever fucking touch me like that again."

He nodded. All he could do was agree and nod.


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The Lombardi name is one thing that I would change about myself. It's a burden to carry the name, people automatically become terrified of you.

My brother loves the title, he loves the power of knowing that people are afraid of him.

However, I wear it like a torn dress that I'm embarrassed of.

He doesn't know what happened with our dad and uncle. But I have an inkling.

I remember I told my dad that Giuseppe creeped me out, that he looked at me with certain eyes that I couldn't describe but I knew it was somewhat dirty.

My dad shrugged it off, of course he did. He was no angel.

He never let us go over to the Silva's, he was weird about us going into different peoples homes. But I have a theory, a game theory.

I'm sorry I had to.


I believe that he didn't want us to go to different people's homes because he knew what could've happened, especially if Giuseppe was there.

My heart tells me that he was involved with the scandal. But I'll never ask Rosette.

I don't want to know.

"Cecilia?" Luciano called out. "Are you even listening to me?"

Luciano and his men looked at me, wondering where my mind was.

"Can I just ask a favor from you?" I asked Luciano.

"Of course."

"Stop going after Rosette, she's a wonderful person and she's going through a lot," I said.

Luciano rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "Not this again," he said.

"I'm being serious, please guys, back me up here," I turned to Christian. I know he has a soft spot for Rosette. I have no idea why, he just seems to always try to make sure they don't seriously hurt her.

Maybe it's because he tried to kidnap her.

"I can back her up," Christian spoke immediately. "She wasn't responsible, it's Felix that we should be going after."

"That's exactly what we're doing," Luciano's voice was calm and gentle. "Look, we won't kill her, we'll only hurt her a little then Felix will come running for her. That's the fucking plan."

"Boys, leave," I tell them.

"No, stay."


Luciano looked at me with confusion, I winked at him twice. That's been our signal since we were kids.

"Actually, leave," Luciano told the men. They nodded and made their way out of his office. Once they left, Luciano lifted his hand to his jaw. "Okay, what's wrong?"

"I never told you this, I didn't think I'd have to but it's about dad and Giuseppe," I told him, trying to build up the courage to tell him.


"Promise me that you won't see me differently," my voice weakened.

"I'd never see you differently, Cecilia, what's wrong?"

"Giuseppe was a pedophile, Luc. I think he did something to Rosette, just like he did to me. But he never raped me, let me get that straight," my voice became breathy after every word that slipped out of my mouth.
"He only groped me and I did tell dad, but he always ignored it."

Luciano's mouth formed into a saddened frown. "What?" His tone was shaky, the disappointment was clear in his voice.

"I never asked Rosette, but if you do want revenge, don't go for her...please Luc, she's been going through a lot."

"Like what?" He asked immediately.


Authors note


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