Chapter Two: Accidents Happen

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Chapter 2: Accidents Happen

"ROXY NOT AGAIN" I yelled. "PLEASE ROXY!" This time she was running towards the actual road and cars were zooming by faster than usual! At this point I was on the verge of tears, who knew what would happen. I didn't want Roxy to get hurt by any cars it was possible. "Ally NO" I heard Louis yell before everything turned pitch black!

Louis' POV

Ally was running really fast, too fast! Me and Niall were running behind them, Sarah and Marissa stopped at the edge of the sidewalk but Ally ran into the busy road! "Ally NO!" I yelled. A car hit her, and the other cars were swerving and breaking! Sarah and Marissa ran out to her as soon as all the cars stopped and police arrived. "Is she okay?!" I was panicking. "Louis go get Roxy!" Roxy ran straight through without getting hit and if she expects me to leave Ally and get the dog! As if... "No i'm staying with Ally!" Marissa got an annoyed look on her face. "GO GET THE DOG SHE LOVES ROXY!" She yelled. "Ok! Ok!" I started running to the park on the opposite side of the highway. "Niall come on!" I said. "Coming" Niall jumped up from beside Ally and came running after me. "We have to find Roxy!" I said walking faster and squinting my eyes from the sun. I can't believe a dog caused Ally to get hurt, ugh. "There she is!!" Niall scream "where?" I asked "By the tree!" He said pointing to a Tree well actually a stump! I ran after her and of course being the dog she is she took off when i was about 2 inches away from her. Seriously, i was furious I don't want to keep running after that dog, but if Ally loved that dog I guess I'll try to get it. I was catching up to Roxy because she was slowing down. But someone familiar picked her up before me? I looked up..."Harry, Liam and Zayn? I thought you guys had an interview." I was surprised to see them here. "Well, they let us out earlier and we were walking to Starbucks!" Zayn replied. "Oh Okay! Can I please have the dog now." I wanted to hurry to see if Ally was ok. "Yea Here." Harry handed me Roxy then Niall and I ran back to where Ally was. Harry, Liam and Zayn were behind us confused on to why we were running over to a car wreck! I saw Ally getting pulled into an ambulance. "Ally!" I yelled and tried running on it with her but Sarah stopped me. "Sarah please I want to go with her!" I said trying to pull away but surprisingly she was a bit stronger than me! "No the police said no one could get on unless we were family! We can drive to the hospital and I already called her mom and dad!" Sarah was still trying to keep me away. She said to put Roxy in her bag with her head sticking out to breathe. Weird. Once Roxy was ready we all ran to our cars and on the way I was explaining to Liam the whole situation. "She was chasing after Roxy-" liam cut me off before i could finish. "Who's Roxy?" He asked. "It's the dog now can I finish!" I didn't let him answer I just kept explaining. "And then she got hit by a car!" I finished. "Wow!" Was all Liam said and then Harry and Zayn said the same thing. I got to the hospital first I ran in and told the girl at the desk her name. "Ally, Ally Sanders!" I was in a hurry! "Room 271, on the second floor." I ran to the elevator and the others did too. I pressed the button leading to the second floor repeatedly because it would not hurry up. The doors to the elevator finally closed and it went up quickly to second floor. The doors opened and running as fast as i can I got to room 271 and threw the door open to reveal Ally. She had a broken arm and some bruises. That was good and I was relieved that she had no severe cuts or anything. Marissa and Sarah came running in but Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall stayed outside! "Where are the others?" I asked "The doctors will only let in three at a time!" Sarah said running to Ally with Marissa beside her. Her heart beat was at a steady rate and i was glad that she would most likely be okay.


It's been about 20 minutes and I was getting worried because the doctors said she should've been up by now! When I was about to try and wake her up her monitor got faster then doctors and nurses came rushing in demanding us to get out. "Ally! Wait, Ally!" I screamed but they pushed me into the empty hallway I was angry and I could tell Marissa and Sarah were too. We heard the doctors and nurses yelling at each other to get stuff. "Surgery? Wait, No!" I started banging on the door to stop them but it didn'twork they had already started! She didn't need surgery I saw her waking up before they pushed me out and if they give her surgery now she'll probably forget everything that happened. We just met, but she'll forget Marissa and Sarah and that was more important than me! She'll forget her own best friends, she will forget everything!

"Sarah, Marissa you know that she will probably..." I can't tell them they'll be hurt! "Forget." Marissa finished and looked at me. "Were you crying." I asked "Yes of course she might forget us is that not something to cry about." She yelled at me. "I know." I said quietly looking at the ground. "What if she does?" I asked still looking at the ground. Marissa ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Sarah looked at me and opened her mouth to say something but closed it again. 40 minutes passed by and still nothing from the doctors about Ally. Sarah had finally calmed down from all this but Marissa was still in the bathroom and i could hear her crying! I started walking to the door and knocked on it but no answer. "Marissa please open up the door!" She stopped crying for a second and managed to get out some words. "No!" Her voice cracked and I started thinking of a way to get her out so someone could comfort her. Walking to the waiting room I got Nialls hand and pulled him with me to the bathroom. "Can you make her open up the door?" I looked at him with pleading eyes. "She doesn't even like me!" He looked at the ground and i could see his cheeks turning red. "Wait, you like her?" I asked surprised because I could tell she likes him too by the way she looks at him. "What! Pfft, No...Yes!" I chuckled at his answer and decide to tell him the truth. "Niall buddy she likes you too and I can tell by the way she looks at you and she's always finding excuses to hold your hand haven't you noticed that!" He looked up at me with a smile on his face and he was blushing like crazy. "Now try to get her to open the door!" I said serious. "Okay!" He knocked on the bathroom door and waited for an answer. "Marissa can you please open the for me it's Niall!!" He knocked on the door again and about a minute later she opened the door her eyes red and puffy from crying and mascara running down her cheeks. "Marissa!" Niall said pulling her in for a hug and she cried into his shoulder. I really wish i had relationships like that! "OH MY GOD ALLY!" I heard Sarah scream. I turned around and couldn't stand what I saw...

A/N Chapter 2!! Haha. So what will happen next. And i know I'm not that good of a writer I dont even think anyone is reading this yet! Why am I ranting? Anyways...Hope you like it!

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