Chapter 3 -- Short Program

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The warmup finishes soon after and all skaters get ready for their turn on the ice. Kagura which is our school and Uozumi are in the first rink and the other two schools are in the second rink. Uozumi's students were going to go first and the first skater's name was Kei Tsukishima. He was the tall blondie I saw earlier. He starts skating his short program and he has this monotone face on the whole time. His routine was beautiful and he saved all his jumps for the second half. All his step sequences were captivating. He finished with a score of 96.8 which is really close to the hundred mark. The next one was the one with dark brown hair. He started and I couldn't help but notice how muscular his thighs were. His name was Daichi Sawamura and his step-sequences were also gorgeous. After his routine, he got a score of 102.1 which is great. The next guy was the playboy guy that looks like a Walmart Atsumu. He radiated sex appeal and i'm pretty sure the whole girl population in the audience, maybe even guys were drooling and panting for him. Apparently, his name was Yuuji Terushima and he got a flat 92. The last guy had really impressive steps but he wore all black, a hood, and a mask. I looked over to his name on the screen and it was Kotaro Bokuto. I knew I recognized the routine from somewhere but without my glasses, I could pinpoint where. Nonetheless, he did amazing with a 112.7 which apparently is his new personal best.

"That's him right?" Suga-san asks as he points to the skater on the ice.

"Mhmm. That's him. Kotaro Bokuto." I deadpan as I watch the short program carefully.

"He's good..." Atsumu-san says as he rest his head on his hands and watches.

"Oh- He's done! Let's get ready then!!" Oikawa-san cheers as he leads us to the opening of the rink.

Bokuto-san steps off the rink and we lock eyes. I couldn't help but feel like I've seen those mesmerizing golden eyes before...

"Yay! Suga's up!!" Atsumu-san screams as Suga-san gets on the ice. 

"I hope he doesn't fall..." Oikawa-san says as he facepalms.

"I'm sure he won't." I reassure Oikawa-san since I know how much work Suga-san put in.

Suga-san starts his short program and wows the judges and everyone around since his first jump of his career was a quadruple salchow. He over rotated by a bit but only got a hand on the ice instead of falling flat on his butt. His routine was mesmerizing and he interested a lot of people, especially Uozumi's students. Suga-san ended the routine with a beautiful spin that earned him 98.1 points.

"SUGA!!" Atsumu-san screams as he embraces the grey haired male as he gets off the ice.

"Good job Suga-san" I congratulate as Oikawa-san and i walk over to them.

"Suga~ You enticed a hot Uozumi student over there~" Oikawa says slyly as he points to the group of Uozumi students staring at Suga.

"Which one is it..?" Suga asks confused as all of them were staring at him.

"The hot one!" Oikawa screams right into his ear.

"All I know is that it's not the version of me" Atsumu-san says as he shrugs.

I point to the brunette, "Suga-san, it's that one."

"Oh... He is quite attractive.." Suga-san says as his face flushes a deep shade of red.

" Right?~" Oikawa-san says with a large grin as he wiggles his eyebrows.

"I'll see you guys after, it's my turn to skate." I say as I approach the opening into the rink.

"Give'em hell Kaashi!" Astumu-san cheers.

"Time for the debut of your new jump!!" Suga screams a little too loud.


"Isn't that one cute?" Daichi asks his friends as he points to a grey haired skater that just got off the ice.

All the guys turn to Suga's group to see them staring at them.

"Uh- What are they staring at?-" Terushima asks then gets cut off.

"They're staring at Daichi." Tsukishima deadpans, "Look."

Low and behold, a good looking raven haired male was pointing at Daichi.

"Ooh! He's hot!!" Bokuto says cheerfully as his eyes sparkle.

"Wow- Wait. They have a discount version of me there." Terushima deadpans as he looks closely at Atsumu.

"Pfft-" Tsukishima covers his mouth, "Even without my glasses I can tell that you're the discount version~"

"Oh, it's his turn to skate" Daichi says as Akaashi gets into the center of the rink.

Bokuto squints, "Oh! It's him. I saw him at the Kagura rink like- Yesterday."

"What?" Terushima turns to Bokuto, "Is he any good?"

"I left before he started skating but lemme search him up." Bokuto pulls out his phone.

"The name is Keiji Akaashi." Tsukishima says as he looks at the screen.

Bokuto and Daichi search him up.

"Oh? He's a Korean skater?" Daichi questions.

"I guess so!" Bokuto says as he puts away his phone and pays attention.


3rd person's POV:

"Kaashi's doing so well!" Suga cheers as Akaashi skates his program. 

Akaashi executes his program almost flawlessly with only one hand on the ice. Nearing the end, Akaashi does his new jump and this program was the official debut of his quintuple lutz. Akaashi ended his program with a strong 112.4 points.  

"OMG!!~ 112.4 points!" Atsumu cheers as Akaashi gets off the ice.

"You did great and it was the debut of the quintuple lutz!!" Oikawa screams as some other audiences stop and stare


Akaashi's POV:

I get off the ice, almost out of breath despite having a lot of stamina and I get crowded by my 2 crazy best friends.

"Yes!~ My turn now" Atsumu-san says slyly as he gets on the ice while blowing us kisses.

"Idiot! Your boyfriend will get jealous!!" Suga-san screams as he points to somewhere on the side where Sakusa-san and Iwaizumi-san are.

"Oop-" Atsumu-san says as Sakusa-san starts glaring right at his face.

Apparently, that affected Atsumu-san's performance since he fell on a triple axel which he's been consistently landing in practice and competitions. Nonetheless, Atsumu got it back in performance points and received a strong 96.2 points.

"Tsumu!!" Oikawa-san runs and hugs Atsumu the second he gets off the ice.

Sometimes I wonder how those 2 can run in skates but whatever, they seem to defy the laws of Japan and the laws of physics. The last skater up was Oikawa-san and he did his routine full of confidence. In a way, it was similar to the Uozumi student's routine. I think it was the playboy version of Atsumu. Anyways, Oikawa-san's program was amazing and he cleared the 100 mark by a razor sharp margin. Oikawa-san got 100.1 points. The second Oikawa-san got off the ice, I looked up at the leaderboard in horror. 


Word count: 1099

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