Chapter eight

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Music for this Chapter:

'Venom', 'Maniac', 'Thunderous,' 'Haven' all by Stray Kids


Y/N's Pov:

I woke up to hear my dad opening the front door to the house, he must be back from working out. My dad has been retired and enjoying not working, but in his words, 'gets boring some times.'

I stretched while an ugly ass noise came out of my mouth before I walked out to say hi to my dad who asked if I slept good.

"Yup! Feels strange to be in that room again."

"Well it missed you like I did. Now, what time are you meeting your friends?"

"Madeline is picking me up about so we can go get ready at Sierra's condo."

"Oh sounds like fun, are you going to tell them about meeting Stray Kids?"

I've been thinking the same thing, "I don't know yet...."

"Don't lie to your friends. But I'll be back, I'm going to shower." That sentence sat in me mind as my dad walked away. 'Don't lie to your friends' when you are also lying to the group itself. I'm going to tell them tonight. I decided, not letting them stop me this time. 

About two I hugged my dad goodbye as Madeline picked me up. I ran to her car with my bag full of concert gear in my hand, excited to see her. She got out of the car yelling, "Y/N!!!!" as we met half away embracing each other as we jumped up and down excited to see each other  but also for tonight's concert. 

We drove over to Sierra's house where her and I did the same thing Madeline and I did outside my house. After yelling and jumping up and down, we went into Sierra's home were they asked me how my new state is and if I miss here. Then they asked if I'm still talking to this one guy I was seeing back where I live now, "No, him and I stopped talking...Well I stopped talking to him. I wasn't feeling it."

"You always do that!" Madeline teased as her and Sierra giggled, knowing it was a bad habit of mine to get bored easily with a guy. I wasn't always like that but when my longest relationship, of a year, cheated on me...I created a brick wall that no one could ever get over. It could not get broken by the heaviest wrecking ball. 

We ate some pizza that Sierra picked up for us before we got ready. We were just talking laughing, having a good time since we have not been together in person for two years. I missed them so much, it really makes me want to move instantly back. 

After eating, we began to do our makeup and get dressed for the concert. "Let me put Stray Kids on!" Sierra excitedly announced as she put on Stray Kids' Spotify. This time it was a bit different listening to them because they're not a group I gush over...they're my friends now. That's a strange sentence to say...I almost sound delulu. Each time a song came up, I remember Chan and I talking about his process for writing lyrics and when I would hear him sing or rap a smile would appear on my face.

"What are you smiling about?" Madeline questioned as she chuckled.

My mouth fell agape as I felt as if I was caught, I need to think of something quick. " because we are all back together again and we are about to see one of our favorite K-pop groups!" Wow I'm so fucking good but I wonder if she will buy it. 

"Awww, I'm so happy you were able to make it out!"

"Me too! Glad I had enough PTO left but where are we sitting at?" I asked trying to change the subject but I genuinely wanted to know.  I didn't know where our seats were because they bought the tickets, I only sent my money to them.

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