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"Hey Dad, have you seen Jin, he's been gone almost two days, and I can't find him anywhere", I ask my dad. "I haven't, have you asked his idiot friends", my dad asks. "I did, they said they saw him yesterday morning on his rock, but then he was gone", I explain. "His rock, what the fuck is that", my dad asks. "Never mind", I say sighing.

Our dad has never acted like a real dad, Jin and I were collateral damage after he took advantage of our mom's. After he killed them, he thought taking us away from our families and teaching us the family business would be easy. Jin and I have never made anything easy for our dad. We can't stand him actually, so we make his life very hard. But the only thing on my mind is finding Seokjin, he never goes dark like this, and I am worried.

Later that day

"Taehyung, any word from your brother", my dad asks. "No, nothing, I am starting to worry", I say. "I know where your oldest is, Dagon", a voice says before appearing. "Ah, Hoseok, it's about time you came to see me, I have missed you", my father says wrapping the man in his arms. "Where is Seokjin", I ask. "He is up there, he has found his fated mate, or should I say his mate found him", Hoseok says pointing up toward the ceiling.

I can't believe what Hoseok just said, "his fated mate is a human." "Correct and not only that, he comes from a family of Mage's", Hoseok says. "I hope Seokjin knows that is unacceptable", my dad says. I growl angrily, "it's his fated mate dad, you can't break them apart. Seokjin won't survive." "Seokjin knows better than to mate with a human, so there will be no bond to break, if anything, I am sure my son knows to kill the human",  Dagon laughs.


I wake in my demons arms, happy and saited, even though my ass is sore. I feel so different, I reach up to touch my mark, and it tingles. "Good morning angel", he says in a husky morning voice. "Yes, it is", I say, smiling. He rolls his eyes, "so corny." He kisses me, leaving me breathless, "I have to go back home." "Why, for how long", I ask, worried. He kisses my forehead, "I have to make sure my father sees my face, make an appearance, and then I can come back, maybe Tae will come with me."

"Who's Tae", I ask. "My brother", he says, running his fingers over my abs. "Do you have a mom", I ask. "I did, my dad killed her", he says. I sit up and face him, "what, why, you are okay with that." He chuckles, "I was a baby, I didn't know her." "I'm so sorry Jin", I say, patting his hand. "Jungkook, my father doesn't have a good bone in his body, and if he finds out about us, he won't understand", he says. "What will he do", I ask nervously.

"Flip his shit and try to kill you", he says like it's nothing. I stare at him wide eyed, he smiles and embraces me. "Don't worry, Angel, he won't touch a hair on your head, I won't allow it", he says, leaning down and kissing me.  I am learning quickly that my demon doesn't have a lot of empathy, if any. "I need to go, I'll be back soon, babe. I'm leaving my friends outside to watch over you while I'm gone", he says.


Walking into my father's house, I notice it's weirdly quiet. Its never this quiet, he is always raging about something or breaking something. "Anyone here", I yell out. "Shit Jin, where the fuck have you been", Tae says coming out of his room. "I've been up there", I say pointing at the ceiling. "Did you really find your fated mate", he asks. "I did, how did you find out", I ask wearily.

"Hoseok", we both say at the same time. "That fucker has a big mouth, so dad knows then", I ask. "Yea and he isn't happy, he pretty much said that you know better and that you will kill him", Tae says. "That's not happening", I scoff. "Oh yes it is", I turn to see my dad in the doorway. I glare at him, "I am not killing my mate and you can fuck off if you think you can make me." His laugh is evil and means he will do everything he can to get what he wants.

"Why do you defy me at every turn Seokjin. I could crush you like a bug and your little mate too", he growls. "You can try, but I promise you right now, if you touch one hair on my mate's head, I will destroy you", I threaten. "You can't be with a human Seokjin, you know this", he says. I turn to walk out, "I'm done with this conversation, leave my mate alone or else", I say.

"Tell me about him", Taehyung asks jumping on my bed. "He's beautiful, and sweet. Big brown eyes that see right thru me. It's hard, ya know, growing up we never learned what love is, what empathy is. I have no clue how to love my mate properly, because I was never loved properly", I say packing the rest of my stuff. "So you are really leaving", Tae asks. "Once Jungkook marks me, I won't have to come back here as often, I can stay up there with him", I explain. I can see the sadness in Tae's eyes and its killing. It's always been him and I against my dad, I can't leave him here.

"Come with me. Go pack your bag and we will leave together, I won't leave you here with him", I say. "You mean it, you want to take me with you", Tae asks. "Of course, I'm leaving in 5, be ready", I tell him. We walk to my rock and climb on top. "Ready", I ask. He nods, "does it hurt." I laugh, "not at all." I take his hand so that we arrive together. 

I see the little cabin and I actually feel happy. "This is Jungkook's house, I'm going to go in and get him. I'm sure these idiots over here can keep you company", I say pointing to our friends sitting around the picnic table. "Shit, Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi, I can't believe it", Tae says hugging them all. "Jin, your little mate isn't in the house, he is sitting in the clearing just thru those trees. He's not good, he sad and very upset with you", Yoongi says. "Why", I ask confused. "You've been gone three weeks, he thinks you abandon him", Jimin says. "Three weeks, what, I was gone 2 hours tops", I say.

"I always forget, you don't travel up here very often. Time is relative back home, what's only a few minutes there, is days here", Namjoon explains. "Fuck", I say walking toward the clearing. I see him sitting on the ground, sunlight shining down on him thru the tree cover. He truly is my angel. His laugh breaks me from my stupor and that's when I notice all the animals. A deer stands close by eating from his hand while a squirrel sits on his lap, it's breathtaking to watch.

"Baby", I call out to him. His head snaps so fast toward me that I didn't even notice his movements. His eyes are shimmering gold. What the fuck is happening. "Oh you decided to come back after all. What did you get sick of all the ass you were getting down there. Did you think you could just come back and I'd forgive you", he says angrily. The animals run away as I walk closer to him. "I was only gone two hours baby, I swear", I say. He glares at me, "two hours, BULLSHIT, try three weeks Seokjin, three with no contact at all."

He stomps back toward his cabin, tears in his eyes. I run after him, "babe, please let me explain."

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