As time tics by...(pt 2)

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Y/n: wait!

*jax turns to look at y/n*

Jax: what is it now? I need to go do something!

Y/n: is it's ok...if I maybe helped with finding the key? really good at searching for stuff!

*jax thought about it, if he had y/n to help him then they can maybe eventually find it, but at this point he was close to giving up hope on somehow finding the key for the hidden room*

Jax: I stopped looking for it a little while ago...but yea I guess you can help

Y/n: then we should start tomorrow! We have to find that key! Maybe Caine still has i-

*jax cuts off y/n*

Jax: I double checked a bunch of times if Caine had it but to no luck

Y/n: what about his room? Maybe it's ther-

Jax: I even sneaked into his room when he wasn't in there and still nothing, I have to go I'm really busy right now!

Y/n: busy?! Busy with wha-

*before y/n could finish there sentence jax stormed back to his room and slammed his door,
Y/n was confused on why he had just stormed off like that, was it something they said? Or maybe he's angry that he still hasn't found the key to the hidden door? Y/n decides to leave him alone for the day so he can cool down and so they can cool down, y/n closes there door and locks it*

Y/n: its really boring right now, maybe I should get some sleep to clear my mind, yea that actually sounds like a good idea

*y/n starts to lay down in bed, before they do they double check there bed to make sure there's nothing in the bed like bugs since jax had done that earlier to them, they don't see anything so they lay down and start to rest, they close their eyes and eventually fall asleep. A few hours later pass and y/n feels someone shaking them and telling them to wake up. Y/n starts to open there eyes and sees jax, y/n sits up in confusion*

Y/n: huh? Jax? What's going on?

Jax: are you gonna help me find this damn key or not?!?

Y/n: yea sure let's go

*y/n and Jax start to walk down the hallway, y/n notices that everyone isn't around at all and is confused*

Y/n: hey Jax where is everyone?

Jax: there all at the digital lake, I told them that I was gonna go sleep as a excuse to get you up and help me find the key

Y/n: ohhh ok, but is Caine still with them?

Jax: yes, I told ragatha about what's going on so she's distracting him

Y/n: how did she react when you told her?

Jax: why do you ask so many questions?!

Y/n: damn sorry you don't need to get snippy with me! I was just wondering!

Jax: yea well it's annoying!

Y/n: the only one who is being annoying is yo-

*jax cuts of y/n*

Jax: we're here, once I unlock the door to Caines room you gotta be careful ok?

Y/n: yea of course

*jax starts to unlock the door, but then y/n and jax heard some voices from the distance*

Jax: Sh1t we gotta go!

Y/n: shhh we're not supposed to curse jax!

Jax: now is not the damn time to mess around let's go!

*y/n and Jax hides behind one of those huge colorful blocks*

Y/n: who was that talking in the distan-

Jax: shhhh!

*y/n and Jax peeks over the corner to see who was the one talking in the distance, y/n and Jax sees that it's Caine*

Jax: I'm glad that we got out of there when we did, I'm not sure as to how Caine would react if he caught us

*y/n and Jax listens closes to what Caine is talking about, he's talking to bubble*

Caine: I think that tomorrow's adventure should be almost like hunting game, I would want to see how everyone would do if it was a survival type game

Bubble: that sounds fun!

*in y/n's mind*
Is he trying to recreate the damn hunger games or something?! How would the others do with a adventures like that?

Caine: I'm trying to think about what else we can do for adventures

*y/n then gets a idea and starts to walk out from behind the huge colorful block, but then jax garbs y/n by the wrist*

Jax: what are you doing?! Are you trying to get us in trouble?!

Y/n: relax I have a good idea, just hide the keys so Caine won't see them!

*y/n then walks out from behind the huge colorful block*

Y/n: hey Caine! I have a good idea for a adventure!

*caine jumps a little when he heard y/n's voice*

Caine: y/n you scared me! I thought you were still asleep? But anyways what's this adventure idea you wanna tell me?

Y/n: how about for a adventure we play extreme hide and seek? We can basically hide anywhere! And everyone are seekers while you can just snap something into thin air to be the seeker?

Caine: that sounds like a brilliant idea! Good job y/n! That wraps up for tomorrow adventure!

Y/n: thank you!

Caine: since you're up I'll bring you to the digital lake with everyone else, have you seen Jax?

*y/n looks back at the colorful huge block and sees jax is still there*

Y/n: no why?

Caine: ok then that means he's still asleep, I'll leave him be for now. Anyways let's go!

*caine takes y/n and bubble to the digital lake and Jax comes out from behind the huge colorful block*

Jax: thanks y/n, now I'll have a little more time to find that damn key!

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