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Hi friends!

Thank you so much for stopping by to check out this story of mine. As the description states, this is a short story (so if things seem fast paced, it's because it will be!). It will only be 4 chapters, but I'm very passionate about what I have planned.

The inspiration for this story came to me one night while watching Stephen Sanchez music videos, and I just kind of ran with it. Each chapter will have a song off of his album "Angel Face".

There are no major trigger warnings for this story, but I do have some listed at the top of certain chapters just in case. If anything makes you uncomfortable, please reach out to me and I can give you a summary of the chapter, if needed. Please do not be afraid to ask me, and always take care of yourself first.

Although the story is short, there will be a decent amount of smut, of course, so I hope you all are okay with that ;)

Below you'll find a collage I made for Harry (obviously) for this story, as well as Georgia herself. These are the only two faceclaims that I've selected.

Again, thank you all for giving this little story a chance, and I hope you enjoy!

Again, thank you all for giving this little story a chance, and I hope you enjoy!

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Georgia [H.S.]Where stories live. Discover now